Chapter One: Chances

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I first saw him when he walked into the University classroom and called out with such excitement to his two friends who sat in front of me. My eyes couldn't help but track his every move like pray. I forced myself to pry my eyes away and look elsewhere. My best friend Kyungsoo walks into the room a few seconds later and looks around for me. He doesn't like it when I'm loud in school so I raise my hand to catch his attention and he nods to me that he sees me. While he climbs the steps to come sit with me I hear the really hot guy's one friend with single eyelids whisper about how cute Kyung looked.

I sigh silently due to the fact that I know that poor kid is going to be shot down if he ever tries to get anywhere with Kyungsoo. According to him he "doesn't know nor does he want to know what he's into until Uni is over." I roll my eyes at the thought and realize that my eyes continue to land on the guy that walked in before Kyungsoo. He low-key resembles a dinosaur and I find it funny yet adorable. All three of the guys are following Kyungsoo with their eyes like I did with the one a little while earlier. Once Kyung gets himself situated beside me he finally noticed the lingering feeling of stares and his eyes dart over the seats to look down at the three men. They all blush especially the one who said he was cute and they bow their heads in hello before spinning around in their chairs and leaving a confused Kyungsoo. He looks at me and whispers.

"Why were they staring at me? Do I look bad?"

I look my best friend up and down seeing that he is in black skinny jeans and a tan sweater with his all black converse. His black baseball cap is covering his black hair. I swear black is his true favorite color. I just smile and shake my head.

"You look great. Just sit down."

"So how many courses do we have together?"

"Three I think and we have them three times a week too. Then I have one other class every other day but that class is about four hours long." He nods in understanding.

This is the first day of Uni for us both. We both graduated last year and now here we are. We may be best friends but we are almost polar opposite but we do agree on somethings and have the same view points on most things so conversation is actually easier than you think. Even if I am a thousand times louder than he is. We were both lucky enough to be some of the few freshman who got to get housing outside of the campus. I really hope that they put us together. I know that my stuff is at the apartment but I don't know who my roommate is yet because I have to go to the main office after classes are over to get the keys. After a few more minutes a bell rings and the professor walks into the room and closes the door that was propped open.

"Alright, everyone! It's nice to meet you. My name is Kim Seokjin. You can call me Jin or Mr. Kim or Professor Kim. Whatever you are comfortable with. Welcome to Film Analysis. I bet most of you chose this class for an easy credit right? Well if you read the syllabus that I'll have..." He looks at a clipboard,"...Mr. Kim Minseok hand out then you will see that even though we will be watching a lot of movies in the class you will need to be able to prove to me that you are able to tell what cinematography was use in different parts of the film and other key things like lighting, wardrobe, dialogue, music, etc..."

As Professor Kim continues to talk the man that was to hand out the papers got up. I was shocked to see that he was the guy who called Kyungsoo cute. He went to the front of the room and grabbed the papers from Professor Kim and began to hand them out by row. When he got to our row Kyungsoo was the first person so he had to hand them to Kyungsoo. Minseok blushed bright pink but Kyungsoo being Kyungsoo didn't give it a second glance and mumbled a thank you to Minseok and took the papers continuing to pass them down. I shook my head a little as Minseok tried not to have a heart attack. You could tell that he was head over heals for Kyungsoo and he didn't even know him.

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