Chapter 11: Lighting Out

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Lighting Out: to depart hurriedly, to leave in a hurry, set out

AKA: One of them has had enough and I bet you can guess who it is...


A decision was made



That conversation was not pleasant. There was a lot of akward silence and then a lot of small talk and then a lot of yelling. A lot of things were said and i mean i believe i was in the right mind set.

What happened New Years Eve (day?) shouldnt have happened. End of story.

Everything is messy now and it's been way too long since it happened to apologize so now we are in this really weird stage of "friendship" if that's what you wanna call it.

Ha. And the author said she didnt like being dramatic and angsty. hA! Bullshit.

Anyways everythings been pretty quiet. Honestly I haven't even seen him that much. Chanyeol's been pretty busy as far as I know. However he's been skipping Prof. Seokjin's class and Professor is getting pretty pissed about it. Kyungsoo writes notes for him though and some times I hear the movies we watch in class playing on the TV downstairs in the middle of the night.

Is he sleeping well?

I hope so. I just wish we would be friends again. It's so akward beating around the bush so much with him. It's like playing hide and seek or trying to chase him on a marry-go-round. I cant find him or I cant reach him.


I jump suddenly and look to the front of the room and lock eyes with Professor Jiyong. He's the fashion design professor. I take this class as an elective.

"If you arent going to pay attention in my class then you can leave."

"I'm sorry, sir. I must have zoned out into space by accident."

He taps his fingers in an annoyed fashion and grumbles something before continuing his lecture. I feel a tap on my arm and glance to my right where Baekhyun is staring daggers into me.

"Hey," he whispers," what's with you? You've been zoned out since class began."

"Nothing. Dont worry about it." I whisper back.

"Are you are Chanyeol still fighting?"

"We arent fighting...I dont think we are even on speaking terms"

"Oh...that explains it then."

He sits up properly and totally leaves me hanging. What does he mean? What does he know that I dont?

"Yah! Byun Baekhyun. What do you mean?" I whisper shout.

A few people around us side eye me aggressivly and I silently apologize. Baekhyun's eyes widden slightly and he glances at me before watching for the Professor and leaning back over a little.

"I dont know if I'm allowed to tell you since you didnt already know..."

"Come on tell me. Did something happen?"

"Mmfph....fine. So basically I over heard one of the administers talking about...."



I grab all my things and dart out of the class room. I was just about to leave anyways as I know have a mission. 

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