Chapter 7: Absence

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Absence: the state of being away from a place or a person; an occasion or period of time away from a place or a person; the nonexistence or lack of...

(Side Note: this chapter contains many POV changes which is unusual to the rest of the story. This story is meant to be told in a single POV but sometimes plans change 🖤) 

(Side Note 2: Have fun figuring out the time line of the POVs lolololol I dont think its too hard.) 


Jongdae's POV

It all happened so fast.

I ran after him after he got up to leave and I called out to him before the car made contact but I was too late. I should have made him stay. I should have put my foot down. I should have told him the truth a long time ago.

All I can think about is what I should have done, what I could have done, if I had said this or that.

I know i shouldnt because I cant blame myself for things that I cant control but fuck. Thoes thoughts just keep coming back.

He's been out for two days now. Everyone in the university knows what's happened. They know what was said and what went down. Everyone is miserable including the Professors. Chanyeol made everything so bright and so fun and now there is this empty feeling in every classroom and lecture hall and worst of all in our our lives.

I havent slept well these past few nights either. All I do is dream about the accident...or what could happen after the accident.

I mean the car literally came put of nowhere. Chanyeol wasnt even in the street. The car swerved and just ran into him. It looked as if the car was being chased by another car but it wasnt. It was just some reckless teenager. How could they have been so irresponsible?

The dreams though. The dreams just make me feel worse. Hes only been gone two days and because of the dreams I cant sleep no matter how hard I try. Naps included. The dreams just dont go away.

They start out with us in the cafe. The dreams will take a different direction in conversation each time. Sometimes they end great other times they end with him never wanting to breathe the same air as me.

If the conversation ends well he'll ask if we can walk home together. I'll get up to go with him. As soon as we step outside and begin walking though he gets pain all over his body and he cant breathe. Then out of nowhere there is a horn and Chanyeol pushes me violently only to be hit by the car and then declared dead on the scene by the paramedics that show up magically.

If the dreams conversations end badly and, like I said, the worst being he doesnt want to even breathe the same air as me; then as he storms out I follow him rushing after him and screaming the truths he HAS to know at some point at him. Only for him to turn around open his mouth to speak and get hit by a truck but instead of watching him die I have to watch him disappear forever. His last words being "I hate you."

"Mr. Kim Jongdae"

I lift my head up from my arms where I had it for the last hour and look at my Professor, Jung Hoseok.

"Didnt you hear me? I was just informed by Do Kyungsoo that you were to report to the school gates now."

"Sir. I cant just ditch your-"

"You werent paying attention anyways. Your mind was on something else....or someone else?"

"I'm really sorry, sir."

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