Chapter 8: Willingness

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Willingness: A Quality or State of Being Prepared for Something; Readiness. 

AKA: The possibility that a chance will be given. 

Note: Really sorry about the last chapters messiness. I want to clean it up but I want to do it the right way so please read the note at the end of this because I want to know your opinions...also does anyone read these? lol Just Wondering. Also It will be back to normal formats of mostly Chanyeol POV with small POV changes from now on like the chapters before last.


Chanyeol POV

I fall back onto the bed as Jongdae walks into the room and sits down in one of the uncomfortable chairs that are scattered around the room. Groaning a little, I move to lay down in a way, better suited for someone who almost died and barely got a scratch on them. 

"Are you alright? Do you need help? Here let me-" 

"Im fine." 

I put too much weight on my hand that's wrapped in a bandage and yelp in pain but also fail to move to the position I want to be in. This also causes me to hit my bruised rib cage and lower back on something and I cry out in more pain. I close my eyes and take slow breathes to try and sooth myself from the hurt but it doesn't seem to work the way I want to. I hear Jongdae get up and walk over to me. He lightly touches my unharmed shoulder and I shudder. 

"Please let me help you, Chanyeol. Please." 

In the position I'm in the pain just keeps getting worse. Tears begin to come out of my eyes and I feel like its not only the physical pain that's causing them. I nod my head to answer his question and he, as gently as he possibly can helps me to lay back in the bed. He leans in with his sweater paws to wipe away my tears. 

"I'll go get a doctor. If you are in this much pain you should really talk to them." 

I nod and he proceeds to get up and come back momentarily with the lady doctor. 

"You were moving around too much after waking up. You shouldn't have done that. You could be damaging the injured spots more than they already were. I need to check you. You might have internal bleeding or other complications since you didn't lay still like we told you." The doctor scolds me. Jongdae looks worried over her shoulder. This is exactly the reason that I didn't want him here in the first place. 

The doctor leaves to schedual some scans and other things I didnt understand. Jongdae looks around and then suddenly begins to speak.

"You know I used to want to be a doctor."

I hum in a notation that I heard him and he continues.

"I still kinda wanna be one. I could change ya know. All my minors are in this field. It would require a few more years of my life and my lifes saving but I could do it."

"What's stopping you?"

"The chance to dream big and reach for the stars."

"I'm not following."

"I could take the easy road. The road that would make my family proud of me. Like I said I wanted to be one anyways but the thing is I dont think it will make me happy in the long run. What makes me happy is music. I may not be able to become a singer but I'm working to become a composer or a producer. I'll still be able to be around something I love with all my heart."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"To make conversation."

"Then dont. I'm so tired. I'll just go to sleep." 

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