"Shit," I mutter under my breath. I know Ash is hurting, but he shouldn't treat her like this. The way she's crying nonstop, my heart goes out to her, even though she's a cheat. I rush over to her, and without thinking I give her a hug. She just falls into my arms, sobbing away.

We stay like this for 5 or so minutes, all you can hear is her sobs and Ash's shower running. I listen to her talk about Ash and how he treats her like shit, and how he doesn't even care when she cries. Before I can say anything about my situation the door opens and Ash walks out, looking half wet and half pissed. His eyes fixate on Emma's face, and then on her shirt.

"What did I say to you?" He runs his hand through his wet hair. "Get changed," he clenches his jaw tight, holding his rage in.

"I'm going," she mumbles sadly. He such jerk, I look at him with disgust.

"What?" He quirks a brow, and purse his lips.

"Stop being a jerk," I tell him. He smirks at me, and then his eyes go soft.

"I'm serious." I cross my arms, as he looks me up and down.

"Apologies now," I order to him.

He scoffs a laugh, and then snarls at Emma, with disgust. "Nope," he shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders coldly. Emma starts crying again. I place my arm on her, to calm her down. 

"Isla, let her go." He takes my arm off her.

"Why? Can't you see she's crying?"

"Not enough, to my standards." He bites, staring at her hard.

"I know your hurt, but this is wrong," I step in front of him.

"I don't care," he pushes past me and heads for his room. Not giving a shit about her.

"Ash," I follow him. But he slams the door in my face."Fucking Asshole!" I grumble, when I turn I see Dash with an amused look on his face, and evil look in his eyes. My heart starts pounding and I can't breathe. I have to admit, he looks so hot in only in his cotton boxers, and that sinful body of his on display. He strolls over clapping sarcastically, with his blue eyes fixed on Emma.

"Wow! Great performance," he even whistles on top, taunting her.

"Stop it Dash!" I tell him off, he tilts his head and smirks at me.

"I am not performing," she stutters.

"Well, you were with that chicken fillet," he snarls at her. Her eye well up and she runs into the bathroom. I snap my head around, shaking my head at him.

"What?" He shrugs innocently, with an evil satisfied smile on his face. He so evil, I swear.

" Com'on, Isla," he takes my arm and starts dragging me to the bedroom. I am fighting him all the way, but he's too strong, when I get to the room, he closes the door and turns to face me.

"Dash, what the hell are you doing?" I shove him hard. He just laughs at me.

"I am putting you to bed, babe." He raises his brow, and he gives me a sly smirk.

"Dash, it's not funny," I look past him to the door.

"Don't get involved," he shakes his head, reading my mind.

"But she is crying."

"Let her, she deserves it". He answers coldly.

"Now it's bedtime for you!" The hot jerk orders me, with an amused look on his face, and a twinkle in his eyes. He steps closer to me, with that devilish look on his face, making me walk backwards until I hit the bed. Our bodies are so close, the heat from his body and his proximity, makes my cheeks flush. Oh shit!

"What's the matter, Isla?" He tilts his head, those sparkling blues eyes narrow at me. "Nootthhng," I stutter. Why am I stuttering? He laughs under his breath, and his eyes twinkle playfully. "You sure about that?" He whispers huskily into my ear, making me shiver. I nod to answer. I feel breathless in his presence, and my hearts hammering in my chest.

"Now get to bed, you little rebel," he turns me around making me move." But Dash," I protest. "Shush! Stop being a rebel," he whispers in my ear with a chuckle. I smile at that word. He turns the duvet and I get in when I lye on the pillow I see him gazing at me, longingly. I scrunch my face at him. "What's it?"

" Nothing," he shrugs with a sweet smile."Good night, Isla" he bends down and gives me a kiss on my forehead before I can I say anything.

"Now go to sleep" he orders to me. "If I see you lurking outside now. I will kiss you and you don't want me to do that do you?" He smiles with his eyes like he's ready to pounce on me.My cheeks go red and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I quickly dive under the covers, so he doesn't see me so flushed.

"Night rebel!" I hear him laugh before the door closes. 

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