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- Ashley

"It's gonna be just fine Ash. He's a tough guy." Jerome says trying to comfort me. I look at him an Aubree who is sleeping in his arms, while I pace around the waitingroom.

"I know, I'm just really worried. This is already the second time, what if." I sit beside them. "What if he's not as lucky this time. My dad can punch pretty hard."

"Stop worrying Ash. It will be fine. Take an example of your daughter." I give him a deadstare how in the name of god can I sleep while I'm worrying so much? "Sorry." I hear him say while he looks away. The door opens and a doctor walks inside.

"Family of Mitch Hughes?" I stand up and walk to him followed by Jerome with Aubree.

"How is he?" I ask.

"Let's go to my office." That can't mean something good. He sits down and signs we need to sit down aswell. "Lets get straith to the point, Mitch has some serious bruses. He will be perfectly fine but he will have to recover for a long time. He won't be able to lift heavy things and will need to rest for about a month. Aswell take these medication for the next two weeks, it's to reduce the pain." He gives me a little box. "If you follow me now, I will bring you to him." We get up and follow to a room. I open the door and walk in to see Mitch laying on the bed.

"Hey babe." I say walking in. He looks away from the TV and smiles bright.

"Hey baby girls and biggums." I laugh and sit next to him on the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good."

"Mitch, biggums. We have a problem." I look at Jerome aswell as Mitch. "Now that you need to rest how are we going to do nerfwars and playfights."

"I know biggums this is going to be the most boring month ever." I smile at them how can they make such a big problem out of that? I hear a soft cry from Aubree. "Hey honey don't cry." Mitch says to her. Jerome comes sit next to Mitch aswell so that he can comfort her without having to hold her. I smile at the sight of Jerome, Mitch and Aubree. They're both greath dads and friends, I really can't believe they would ever seperate from eachother. I love them all so much.

~ Autors note ~

6k reads! Wohooooo! Lets celebrate with a QnA ask me any question and I'll try to reply as good as possible. Also I wanted to let you guys now that I have to go back to school/college tommorow, I will try and keep up the amount of updates but I can't promise anything I'm sorry for that. Wish me good luck for tommorow ;). I hope you enjoyed this short chapter. I didn't really have time to write something big sorry. (I've become a leader on the scouts today and therefor we get attack with flower and eggs, I had to wash my hair 4 times and brush it twice before everything was gone.) Love you all so much big thatnks to all of you and see ya laterz xx

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