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- Mitch

I just can't believe Jerome said that with Ashley right there! I really hope she didn't notice he was talking about that one hungergames where she demolished me a week before we left.

"Mitch don't you think Jerome was acting kind of weird at dinner?" She asks when we're walking back to our room togheter. "I know he's always doing weird stuff but this was just..."

"Yeah I know what you mean. I noticed too." He was doing this kind of stuff all throughout the trip and I just don't know why, well he obviously wants to get us togheter. But why, Ashley doesn't like me anyway. We walk into our room I sit on the bed and Ashley walks to her laptop. She sudenly jumps back and runs to the other side of the room screaming.

"Ashley? What happend. What's the matter?" I say getting up worried.

"M... M... Mitch, s... s... spider." She says pointing to her laptop. I walk towards it and see a little spider just next to her headphones.

"No need to worry I'll safe you." I say grabbing a paper. I put the spider on it and put it outside of the window. "There you go, problem solved."

"Thank you Mitch."

"No problem it's just a little spider."

"I'm gonna get changed." She says while grabbing her stuff. I was kind of surprised by her reaction, I knew she was afraid of spiders but I didn't think she was this afraid. It's kind of cute though. I take of my shirt and and put on my pyjama pants and go lay on the bed. When she gets out she stops a second and looks at my shirtless body.

"Do you mind if I sleep without shirt?" I ask.

"No, I guess." I laugh at her reaction, she sounded so dreamy. She turns off the light and lays down beside me, me facing one way and she the other one.

~ A couple hours later ~

I wake up to Ashley saying. "No please don't leave me please."

"Ashley I'm right here. I'm not leaving you."

"No why? Why her? Why me?" Her? Wait, she's propably talking in her sleep. That doesn't really sound like a happy dream.

"NO!" She yells while she sits up in bed breathing heavily.

"Ashley? Are you alright?" I say sitting up next to her.

"Yeah I just had a nightmare. No big deal. I'm sorry if I woke you."

"No need to be sorry. Are you going to be able to sleep again?"

"Yeah I think so." She says while laying back down. So I lay down next to her. I just know by the way she just keeps changing position that she's not going to sleep again.

"Ashley are you sure you're alright? It doesn't seems like you're going to sleep again."

"I'm fine, I'm just scared to have that memory all over again." Memory?

"Do you want to tell what it's about?" She sights.

"It's about my last boyfriend, he cheated on me with my best friend." That's horrible how could he?

"I'm so sorry Ashley." I pull her in for a hug. At first she is kind of awkard with it but then she hugs back.

"Don't be." We keep hugging and after a while we fall asleep.

Is this love? #Mashley (completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon