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- Jerome

I close the door after Mitch left and sit back down next to Ashley. She's starting to tear up again. I wrap my arm around her. "It's okay Ash. You know he's really sorry about what he has done."

"I don't care Jerome. I don't want to see him ever again!" I tighten my hug as she starts crying in my shirt.

I help her get packed and bring Mitch's stuff to my room so that he can pack aswell. In a few hours we have to catch our planes back home. I don't want to leave Ashley alone, I feel kind of responsible of what happend and I don't want anything to happen to her. She's a really good friend.

"Hey Ash, if you want to you may come to the team crafted house and just hang around with us?"

"I don't know Jerome. I really don't want to see Mitch again."

"But what if I say that we will make sure you don't have to hang around with him?"

"I don't know. I'll think about it. I have to go home anyway."

"Let me know okay."

"I will."

~ At the airport ~

"The plane to England is boarding right now." The intercom says. So Ashley gets up and takes her stuffs.

"Well I got to go. See you later guys." She gives Adam and Me a hug and gives Mitch a fake smile.

"Don't forget to think about it Ashley." I wisper to her when we hug.

"I'll let you know as soon as I'm home... thanks for everything Jerome."

"That's what you do for friends." I smile at her. "Take care Ashley."

She walks to her gate and boards the plane. After a few minutes she's already out of site. We sit back down waiting for our plane to board. I notice Mitch still looks awful like this morning it's like he didn't sleep and is angry at something and sad at the same time. I've never seen him like this. "You okay bud?" I ask him.

"Not really. I'm just such a fool." He puts his head in his hands. I put my arm around him. I know he's talking about Ashley. I don't understand why he did that to her if he loves her so much. I know he does, he has never regretted something this bad.

"You will get your chance Mitch. Just give her some time."

"I don't know Jerome. I messed up pretty badly."

"Mitch, Jerome is right. She loves you. Just give her the time to think about everything." Adam adds.

"I thought you guys where angry at me for what I've done?"

"We were." Adam says.

"But now that we see how much this hurt you. We can't be angry at you." I continue.

"Thank you." He says still with his head in his hands.

"The plane to LAX is boarding now." The intercom says.

"Come on, we got to go home." I say getting up and giving Mitch a little push so that he follows.

~ At the TC house ~

I start unpacking my stuff when I get a text from Ashley.

"I've thought about it. I'm coming to LA next week. But I'm staying at a hotel near the TC house."

"That's great! How long do you think you're going to stay?"

"About 2-3 weeks. I'm not sure yet."

"That's perfect. Let me now when you arrive and I will pick you up at the airport."

"Okay I'll let you know tommorow. See ya later!"

"See ya."

I'm so happy she's comming. Then I can make sure Mitch gets his chance. And she doesn't do stupid things.

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