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Just noticed that I have 2k reads! That really blows my mind. I had never thought that this story would be read this much I was not expecting more then 500 reads! Well thank you all so so so so so so soooooo much I can't say it enough how much that means to me. So yeah thanks again and enjoy the next chapter see ya!

- Ashley

I get out of the bathroom and walk downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. When I walk in I see Jerome eating his breakfast, so I take mine and sit across from him. "You know where Mitch is I thought he would be here already."

"Yeah he was but he decided to take a little nap so that he's well rested for the movie night he wanted to do."

"Oh okay." I just hope he didn't stay awake for me last night. I eat the rest of my breakfast and put my plate in the dishwasher. "I'm gonna hang outside by the pool, see ya later." I say to Jerome walking out of the kitchen. I place the longchair in the sun and just enjoy the warmth. After a few minutes I think like 10 minutes or so I hear alot of noise inside then a few seconds later Mitch runs outside and just hugs me.

"Ashley I thought I would never see you again." What happend he looks so scared. "I'm so sorry that I broke my promise and couldn't protect you from Alex please forgive me."

"Mitch you couldn't do anything else. Ofcourse I forgive you." I say kissing him. "But tell me what happend?"

"I was taking a nap and I had this dream where Alex and you stood on a cliff. Alex was constantly saying I wouldn't be able to rescue you this time. And you were blaming me for not being able to protect you. And then Alex pushed you off. It felt so real Ashley, I thought I would never see you again." He's starting to tear up so I pull him into a hug and rub his back.

"It's alright Mitch I'm here. It was only a dream. Nothing is going to happen to me as long as you're here."

"But what if he's right, what if I can't rescue you next time." He sais still sobbing in my arms.

"Don't think of that. You will be able to. You always find your way to help the people around you." Jerome walks upto us and sits down next to Mitch putting his arms around him.

"Don't worry Mitch. If you can't do it alone we will always help you get our friend back." The rest of the house came outside to see what was happening. When they saw me and Jerome hugging a crying Mitch they all sat down on the ground next to him and hugged him aswell. That was exactly the right timing after what Jerome said.

"T...thank y...you g...guys." I hear Mitch say inbetween sobs.

"Anytime." They say in unison. Thats how we keep sitting for a moment in just a pile of hugging people. Until Mitch sits up a little and everyone lets go. I keep rubbing his back.

"I can't thank you guys enough." He says rubbing his eyes with his sleeve to get the tears away.

"Thats where friends are for." Adam sais as he pats his shoulder and walks back inside. They all do the same untill me and Mitch are alone again, still me sitting on the longchair rubbing his back and he sitting on the ground infront of me.

"I'm sorry that I was over reacting about this all Ashley."

"Don't be sorry Mitch, I do these kind of things all the time when I have nightmares. And you're always there to calm me down. Now it was my turn to calm you down thats how it works."

"I love you poofy." He sais with a little smile, leaning in to kiss me.

"And I love you benja." I say rigt before our lips touch.

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