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- Mitch

~ 3 days later ~

Ashley's medication is really helping she speaks normal again and she's complaining less about the pain, so I think it's starting to fade away. She's already sleeping on my chest and I'm watching her sleep. She looks so beautifull. I couldn't imagine my life without her. I kiss her soft on her head and she snuggles deeper into my chest. I wish I could keep watching her the entire night, but I got to go and sleep aswell. So I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of soft crying. I look down to see it's Ashley. She's propably having a nightmare. "Ashley. Ashley, wake up!" I say shaking her softly.

"No please." She sais in her sleep.

"Ashley wake up! You're having a nightmare." I say still trying to get her to wake up.

"Stay away!" She's now starting to yell.

"Ashley wake up!" She finally opens her eyes. "Ashley you okay?" She looks at me scared, and pushes herselve from the bed.

"Stay away from me! Leave me alone!" I get up and slowly walk towards her.

"Ashley calm down."

"Get away from me!" Does she still think this is her dream? Or is she serious?

"Ashley look at me, it's me Mitch. You had a nightmare but it's okay now."

"Don't lie to me! You're not Mitch! Stay away from me Alex!" I take her hands who are covering her face in protection.

"Ashley look at me, I'm not Alex, I'm Mitch." I sit on my knees infront of her, holding her hands so she can't cover her face. "Ashley please trust me, I'm here to help you. I'll save you from Alex." She finally looks at me.

"Mitch!" She's now hugging me. "I'm sorry. I thought you were Alex."

"It was just a dream Ashley it's all going to be alright." I say rubbing her back while she cries into my shoulder.

"It looked so real."

"I know Ash, now you're back here with me. Everything's going to be alright." We keep sitting like that until Ashley falls asleep on my lap. I pick her up bridgal style and go sit on the bed in the same position. I keep rubbing her back and holding her close to me for the rest of the night. I see Ashley is starting to wake up so I pretend like I'm sleeping knowing she would feel guilty that I stayed awake the entire night. I feel her lift up her head from my chest and she gives me a soft kiss on my lips. When she pulls away I open my eyes.

"Morning beautifull. Feeling better?"

"I do thanks to you." She sais giving me a quick kiss before getting up.

I walk downstairs after I changed into the kitchen. "Damn Mitch did you even sleep?" Jerome ask.

"No, Ashley had a nightmare so I stayed awake to comfort her."

"You should ge some rest. You really look exhausted."

"Maybe later." I say taking a bite of my breakfast. I lean on my hand and eat with the other. I feel my eyes close as I fall asleep.

"Mitch! Wake up." I hear Jerome say.


"Go to bed Mitch and sleep."

"Maybe you're right." I get up and walk to my bed. After what looked like seconds I fell asleep.

"She won't be yours anymore, you won't be able to rescue her this time." I'm standing in a dark place with that voice. The darkness fades away and I see Ashley and Alex standing by a cliff. "Mitch you said you would protect me. You said Alex would never hurt me again." She's right I broke my promise. "Ashley please forgive me." "She won't." Alex sais pushing her off the cliff.

"Ashley no!" I sit up in my bed, no Ashley to be seen. I jump up and run downs stairs into Jerome. I take his shoulders and almost scream. "Jerome where's Ashley?"

"Whoah Mitch, calm down she's in the garden." I let go ofhim and run to the garden where I see Ashley sitting on a longchair. I run upto her and hug her.

"Ashley I thought I would never see you again." I let go of her and sit on my knees infront of her with her hands in mine. "I'm so sorry that I broke my promise and couldn't protect you from Alex please forgive me."

Is this love? #Mashley (completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum