Chapter 3

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"You see, this is kind of like the House of Homra..., " Kusanagi explained as I nodded in understanding.

"Actually, " Aki said mockingly. "This isn't a house. It's a bar... Unfortunately some of your 'valued' customers see it that way..."

"That's not true!, " Kusanagi said, offended. "I only serve gentlemen!"

"And hookers, "Aki pointed out. "Like Awashima..."

Kusanagi gave her a dirty look.

"What?, " Aki asked innocently. "She is a bit of a bitch..."

Instead of arguing, Kusanagi just sighed and stopped at the backroom that I saw before except, it wasn't really a back room at all; it was just a hallway. He motioned down it with his head as I stood there, staring into the dark hallway before me. Aki shoved me impatiently to get me moving again.

"Get moving! It's not like there's something in the hall that's gonna eat you... Maybe..."

I turned my head slightly to see Aki's smirk. I rolled my eyes and walked into the dark hall. After a minute or so, I got accustomed to the darkness and could actually see five inches in front of my face. 

Kusanagi grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop in front of an open door. He walked past me and stood in the doorway, the light from the window within it shining on his face.

"Knock, knock, " he said as he used two knuckles to knock on the wood of the doorway.

I peeked in and saw a girl in a red dress sitting on the floor in front of a map with little red marbles on it.

She didn't answer nor look up but Kusanagi ushered Yata, Aki, and I into the tiny room.

"Anna, this is Tatara's sister, Akane, " Kusanagi said, introducing me to Anna.

Anna looked up a bit and gave me a small smile, "I knew who she was..."

Her voice was small and soft and I found myself staring at her after she had returned to studying the map. The more and more I thought about it the more Anna reminded me of myself. She seemed like she was trying to grow up fast, like I was but for a different reason. She probably had more on her plate than I did at the moment and the only reason I had wanted to grow up quickly was so everyone would take me seriously.

Yata spoke up, his voice pulling me back into reality, "Anna? How did you know who Akane was?"

"Yeah, it seems sort of stalkerish... Don't you think?, " Aki asked.

Anna spoke softly, "She has Tatara's eyes... And his easy-going smile... At least when it's necessary..."

I tried not to laugh because she had just basically summed up my similarities with my brother in less than five sentences. I was more of the violent prone person while he was passive. I remember when we were kids everyone would say that we were so different in the same situations that it was nearly impossible for us to be in the slightest bit related. Tatara was friendly to everyone while I tended to psh myself away from such friendliness towards complete strangers.

I checked my watch, "Crap! It's really late in the afternoon! My aunt's gonna kill me!"

"Well aren't you just a goody-two shoes?, " Aki asked with a sly grin on her face.

I ignored her and turned to Kusanagi, "Sorry, I've gotta get going... Nice meeting you!"

I was just about to run out of the room when Kusanagi said, "But we didn't get to tell you about Homra!"

I stopped, suddenly remembering why I had even come here in the first place. I turned and motioned for him to go on.

"Homra is the name of our clan, the one your brother was in... Are you seriously telling me that no one told you anything about this?"

I shook my head no and Kusanagi continued, "Well, there are different clans. Blue clan or Scepter 4, Homra, Silver... Just to name a few..."

"We have kings too. Reisi Munakata is the king for Scepter 4... So far so good?"

"Ha!, "Aki cut in. "Hopefully she gets it. I really don't wanna have to explain what a king is..." She walked towards me, giving me a critical look, "Please tell me you know at least that much..."

"Obviously!, " I snapped. "Who do you mistake me for? An idiot?"

"Well if the shoe fucking fits!"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?, " I yelled angrily.

"Who doesn't know about Homra? Are you stupid or just oblivious to your surroundings because we literally walk the same streets as you!"

"I'm sorry, am I supposed to walk up to random people asking if they're a part of a clan that has some magical red aura?"

"Don't you already walk up to strangers to do stupid shit like that? Come on, you followed Yata for Pete's sake!"

"Okay! Okay!, " Kusanagi shouted as he walked up to separate us.

"As I was saying, " Kusanagi said through gritted teeth as he shot Aki a death glare, "There are kings to every clan."

"Do you understand?, " he asked as he looked over to me.

"Yes, definitely... But I have one question..."

"Let me guess, " Aki said. "You want entrance into the clan?"

Her voice sounded weird, not as sarcastic as every other word that comes of her mouth but kind of... hopeful. Which really didn't make me feel any better about this.

"Yeah, " I answered, motioning to Aki. "What she said..."

Kusanagi nodded, "Of course... Aki and Yata can show you around and teach you."

"What?!, " Aki exclaimed. "Why me? I already have enough responsibilities!"

"And even then, you don't keep up with them... I figured that if you were responsible for something that was alive, it come remind me of your duties..."

Aki turned to me and pointed her finger at me menacingly, "I swear, if you ever remind me to do something, I'll cut off your tongue and shove it down your throat!"

"Bye Akane!, " Kusanagi waved cheerfully as Aki grabbed my wrist and started to drag me out of the room. "Have Aki take you home to get your stuff!"

I gave him a fearful look before Aki yanked me out of the room and down the dim hall.

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