Chapter 9

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I woke up to someone poking my cheek.

"Do you think she's dead?" Ryoko asked.

"That would be the best case scenario..." Aki answered.

I opened one eye and found Ryoko kneeling beside my head while Aki stood behind her.

"Oh finally you decide to wake up!" Aki complained.

I propped myself up on one elbow and rubbed my eyes. I hear Aki walk over to the door and say, "And you have the stupidest smile on your face when you sleep."

"No I don't!" I shouted defensively.

"Mmm!" Ryoko hummed. "What were you thinking about?"


"That's a lie!" Aki smirked. "You were probably thinking about someone!"

"Like who?" I challenged as I sat up on the bed and crossed my arms.

"I don't know... Maybe someone you've got a crush on!"

I gave her a blank expression.

"Evidently not..." Ryoko mumbled, looking back at Aki.

Aki stared into my eyes for a few moments before saying, "Yeah, I can tell. She doesn't have any crushes... But when you do..."

Aki backed up and pointed at me as she left the room, walking backwards into the shadowy hallway.

"Anyways, we're about to have dinner, " Ryoko informed me as she stood up.

"God dammit!" Aki yelled from the kitchen.

"What?" Ryoko and I asked from my guest bedroom.

We walked down the hall and into the kitchen to find Aki rummaging angrily through the fridge.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I sat down at the kitchen counter.

"We ran out of milk... And rice... And other things, " she answered, slamming the fridge door shut.

"So are we going to the store?" I asked.

"No... You are, " Aki answered.


"Yes you. You can't live here for free so you've gotta do something!"

I sighed and stood up, grabbing my black jacket and wallet. There was no use arguing with Aki. It's not like I'd actually win. Might as well get it over with...

"I'll be back, " I told them as I opened the front door.

"Be safe! Don't trust strangers! Especially ones dressed in-" Ryoko's last word was cut off by the front door closing but I didn't think whatever she had to say was that important anyways.


I walked home alone in the dark carrying several plastice bags. The store clerk was being an asshole so I was still fuming about his attitude towards me. He acted as if I really wanted to be in his store at such a late hour, preventing him from going home for a few more minutes.

While I walked and grumbled about grumpy old store clerks, I noticed footsteps behind me. I turned but found no one there. I walked a bit faster, still looking over my shoulder, half expecting someone to jump out of an alley and start some problems with me.

Suddenly, I slipped in a puddle and started to fall forward. I crashed into someone's arm and looked up to see Fushimi.

"Whoa! You should be more careful!" he smirked as he helped me stand straight.

I pulled at my jacket and covered my shoulders better, "Thanks but I didn't really need your help."

"I could have just let you fall..."

"And I would have liked it much better that way, " I snapped. "At least you wouldn't have touched me so much..."

Fushimi raised an eyebrow and I shook my head, "Sorry... I was pissed off before you showed up. I really shouldn't be taking it out on you."

He shrugged, "It doesn't matter. Hey, I didn't quite catch your name."

"Akane, " I answered as I started to walk away.

"Fushimi. Saruhiko Fushimi, " he followed me, holding out his hand for me to shake.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise and looked up at his face. He wore a smirk still since it had never really faded away since we had started talking. The devious look in his eyes made me feel uneasy.

"No, " I said flatly.

"Why not?"

I looked up at him and gave him a dirty look before raising my full hands slightly.

"Oh, right! You're hands are full!" he noticed. "Do you need some help with that?"


"Are you sure? That's an awful lot of-"

"Look, " I stopped walking and turned to face him. "I think it's real cute that you want to help me, I really do. But I've got it, okay? I don't need help, especially not from you."

He looked shocked and was speechless for a moment before he asked, "Why? What's wrong with helping you?"

I sighed, "Helping me is fine but you seem to have a different reason for doing so. Most people offer help just to be helpful but you're trying too hard as if you're going to gain something from it."

"I was hoping to gain your friendship."

I stayed silent as Fushimi's smirk grew larger and he held his hand out again while his other the plastic bags from my right hand.

"What  do you say?" he whispered softly. "Friends?"

I gave him a critical look, wondering what he was up to. I closed my eyes. It's too late to have to be dealing with this shit... I gave in, shaking his hand lightly as I released an exasperated sigh.

I walked ahead of him and thought about how I had just gained a friend that I didn't necessarily want in the first place.  I shook my head, figuring I had just made a deal with the devil...

(My favorite part of this chapter was the very, very end... It's ironic since my father is the Satan so... *strokes chin* My character knows absolutely nothing....)

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