Chapter 19

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I sat at my desk and thought some more, rolling back and forth on my office chair.

Who cares if she's Tatara's sister? Who cares if Tatara and I were once friends? Tatara's dead and nothing in this world can change that fact. No amount of guilt can bring him back...

Why am I feeling guilty in the first place? The only thing she was ever supposed to be was a tool,a tool that would get me all that I needed. How is it my fault that she was dragged into the middle of all of this? She had put herself there, though not consciously, yes but she's still there. Who can blame me for using the resources in front of me in order to get the job done.

I decided right then and there that I would give up on my whole 'spare the poor innocent girl' idea. It's easier to just remain indifferent about it all. I'd have to be a real idiot if I let some girl that I had just met ruin my life .

"Well that was extremely eventful!" Hidaka said sarcastically as he walked into my office.

"The meetings over?" I asked as I checked the time.

"No, I accidentally fell asleep so I was given my assignment then kicked out..."

"Mmm..." I hummed as I rolled my eyes.

"It seems as though you and I are going to be seeing a lot more of each other..."

"Oh joy!" I said with mock enthusiasm.

"Akiyama and I are supposed to watch Anna for awhile. Make sure nothing happens to her and whatnot... You know with the-"

"I know, I know!" I told him angrily. "My memory isn't as faulty as yours."

Hidaka sighed, deciding to change the subject, "Are you going to see Akane for another date?"

I glared at him, causing him to correct himself.

"I mean to get information about Aki..."

I looked over at my phone and contemplated doing such, "Maybe..."

"Don't you feel even the slightest bit guilty?"

"No. That's utterly ridiculous... I'd have to be insane if I lost my position due to a guilty conscious."

"So you're completely okay with using a girl to get information on her best friend?"

I paused, opening my mouth to speak and then shutting it again after I realized I didn't have anything to say.

"You like her, don't you?" he teased.

"Love is a petty object that clouds reality..." I grumbled in response.

Hidaka grinned, "Did I say anything about love?"

I exhaled loudly, frustrated by Hidaka and his presence. I picked up my phone, deciding I should call Akane. It wasn't because I really wanted to talk to her but because I wanted to speak with someone who wouldn't tease me so openly.

"Who are you calling?" Hidaka asked.

"Akane" I answered, listening to the dial tone in my left ear.

"Yo, what's up?" she greeted me.

I was just about to ask her why she was speaking like that when Hidaka cut me off.

"Fushimi, pass the weed!" Hidaka shouted.

"What?!" Akane spoke, thoroughly confused.

"I. Will. Kill. You."

"Huh? What did I do to you?" Akane asked shocked.

"Pass the weed!"

"Hidaka! Shut up!"

"Fushimi, what the fuck is going on?"

I shot Hidaka a dirty look as I answered Akane, "My damn coworker..."

Akane laughed, "Well at least he didn't ask you where you put the condoms or something... My friends are assholes like that!"

I pointed to the door, mouthing obscenities as Hidaka smiled and stood up.

"Have fun Fushimi... Lord knows you need it..."

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