Chapter 22

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"So I guess I had a good time today..." I said nervously as we stood outside the door to her apartment.

"Ha!" she laughed lowly while she stared at her feet. "Was that before or after Aki served your ass on a silver platter?"

I smiled, a real genuine smile that only a handful of people could drag out of me. And I suppose that is why I was as nervous as I was. I liked the girl, I really did but... My job was my way of life. Everything was riding on this girl, my golden ticket to finding out all I need about Aki. And the sooner I get Akane to spit it out, the better.

"Uh. I'd like to ask you something, Akane."

"Yes?" she turned to me, her blue eyes piercing mine.

"Do you... Want to go somewhere else with me on Friday?"

"What? You mean basically what we did today?"

"Well that wasn't quite what I meant by that" I paused, taking in a deep breath before I continued. "I meant it as a date..."

She stared at me for a moment, completely silent as if she was considering it.


"Okay?" I asked, a bit shocked that I had gotten the reaction I wanted.

"Yeah" she smiled widely. "I'll go out on a date with you Friday... I mean I have absolutely nothing better to do..."

Oh gee, thanks. A rejection from her would have definitely hurt a lot less.

I nodded, "Great. I'll pick you up at six then."

She gave me a small smile and unlocked her door before turning back to me. I raised an eyebrow just as she stood on tiptoe and kissed my cheek briefly, taking me completely by surprise.

She turned back to the door and opened it quickly, shouting a hurried 'goodbye!' before she entered the apartment and closed the door.

Hidden MotiveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang