Chapter 14

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Yata, Aki, and Ryoko followed us down the hallway towards Anna's room. The hallway was a little less darker than the first time but my eyes still had to adjust to the lack of light.

We stepped into her room, an open window causing me to shrink back from the light, hissing slightly.

I shielded my my with the back of my hand and saw Anna sitting by the window, her eyes locked on something in the distance.

"I knew you'd be back" she said softly, breaking the silence that had begun to settle over the room.

"Oh you did, didn't you? How's that?" I asked curiously.

"I could just tell" she answered before she got up and walked towards me.

"This may hurt..." Aki whispered in my ear.

"What do you mean?" I looked over my shoulder at Aki.

"You have to shake Anna's hand-"

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"You didn't let me finish!" she hissed, smacking me hard in the back of the head. "You shake her hand while it's on fire..."


"Oh? We never told you that? Oh well! Too late now!" Aki said, pushing me towards Anna.

Anna stopped in front of me and held out her right hand, now engulfed in bright red flame. I drew in a deep breath and slowly reached for her hand, the air around our hands getting warmer and warmer the closer I got.

I closed my eyes tightly as I grabbed her hand, the warmth of the flame sinking into my palm.

I opened my eyes suddenly and looked down at our hands, surprised that I wasn't getting burned. I glanced up at Anna, thinking I saw a faint smile on her lips.

I was amazed at the fact that I wasn't hurt. Anna let go of my hand and the flame vanished. I held my hand out in front of my face, examining my apparently unharmed flesh.

"Amazing..." I whispered to myself before turning to everyone else.

"You're one of us now!" Ryoko shouted as if my mind hadn't processed what had just happened.

Ryoko pulled Aki and I into a huge hug with Yata attempting to blend in with the wall. he stared at us nervously as if we were tigers that hadn't been fed in months.

"Okay Ryoko..." I gasped. "I can't breathe... Please let go..."

Ryoko let go of me, "Sorry about that... Let's go back to everyone else. You're part of the clan now so you've got to know more than four people..."

Everyone filed back into the hallway, leaving me the last one to exit. I stared down at my hand, assuming my eyes had played a trick on me and any second now my flesh would appear to be as severely burned as I thought. But it wasn't and that was what thrilled me the most. Maybe I've finally found where I belong.

I stood outside, half an hour later staring at my phone, waiting for Fushimi. I sighed and looked up, searching the street for him in his weird blue uniform. I hated the color blue ad thinking about such a vile color as that gave me a headache.

"What are you doing out here?"

I jumped a bit, turning my head to the side to see Yata standing next to the door.

"Oh... I'm waiting for someone, I guess..."


I looked around one last time before I turned back to Yata, "It doesn't matter. They obviously aren't going to show up..."

Who was I kidding? How could I actually trust his word? He probably hadn't planned on showing up anyways... No need to get all worked up on something as easily as predictable as this.

Yata nodded as I shoved my phone in my pocket and walked back to the front door. Yata held the door open for me and just as my hand touched the door handle I heard my name.


I turned to find Fushimi across the street. He was out of uniform, an aspect that shocked me slightly. I had never imagined him in anything other than his uniform... Not that I had ever imagined him or anything....

He looked to the left and right before he crossed the street, taking long strides.

I heard the door slam behind me and I glanced back at Yata. He looked at Fushimi with disgust and then to me.

"Why the hell is he here?"

I opened my mouth to speak but Fushimi walked up next to me and linked his arm with mine, smirking, "I'm allowed to go wherever I want, Misaki..."

Yata growled, "Then leave but don't take her with you!"

"Why aren't you so concerned?" Fushimi taunted. "You're not her father!"

"Well since her father isn't here, I'm gonna be the one to put my foot down and tell you to fuck off, damn monkey!"

"Aw!" Fushimi smiled slyly, enjoying Yata's reaction to this whole situation. "I always knew you'd make a great father someday... But you'll always be a virgin!"

Fushimi pulled away from me and leaned down to pat Yata's head. Yata grabbed Fushimi's wrist angrily and spoke through gritted teeth.

"If you so much as touch her..." Yata's face was inches away from Fushimi's. (Fight, fight, kiss, kiss! ^~^ Sorry, I had to say that...) The hand that held Fushimi's wrist glowed a dull red as the two glared at each other.

Fushimi twisted out of his grasp and walked back to me, turning back to Yata when he was at my side once more, "Oh, you shouldn't have to worry about that Misaki because you simply aren't a parent!"

He winked slightly before he grabbed my hand and tugged me away with Yata cursing behind us.

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