Chapter 31

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I woke up in a slightly familiar place.

It wasn't my room but it definitely was a place that I remember being in once before. I drew in a deep breath and held it, allowing the oxygen and the smell it carried to seep into my lungs. It smelled like... Traitor.

"Well good evening. Are you feeling a bit sore?"

I whipped my head around to face Fushimi, who sat near the edge of his bed in which I lay. I tried to sit up quickly, hissing in pain as my chest and ribs burned.

"You wouldn't be so sore if you hadn't foolishly tried to stand up to those thugs all alone..." Fushimi muttered, sitting back in his chair with his arms crossed.

I glared at him in anger, "Shut the fuck up, monkey!"

If he was so worried about me doing things like that, why'd he let them beat my ass in the first place?

He raised an eyebrow, a small smirk on his face, "What did you call me?"

"A monkey" I answered through gritted teeth. "A dirty freaking-"

Without prior warning, he jumped on top of me, straddling before I could even think about pushing him off. I attempted to punch him but he caught my wrists and pinned them. Infuriated, I used my aura unconsciously, burning the sensitive skin of his palm. Instead of retreating like I expected him to, his smirk increased as he grabbed a pair of handcuffs from the nightstand and chained my hands to the bed frame above my head. I struggled, my aura burning brighter than before.

"Let go of me, asshole!" I screamed as he sat back on my hips. "I-I hate you!"

A look of hurt flashed across his face. I gulped down the lump that had formed in my throat. I stopped struggling against the warm metal of the handcuffs, figuring escape was pointless. The material wasn't about to break anytime soon. Several thoughts where going through my head all at the same time but there one one question that shocked me the most. Even if I could get out, would I even want to?

"I-I'm sor-" I started, only to have Fushimi cut me off with his lips.

He slipped his hands under my shirt, his four fingers wrapping around my sides while his thumbs rested on my ribs, gently massaging my skin. I involuntarily moaned into the kiss, pulling away, my face red in a blush.

"S-Stop!" I stuttered, squirming beneath him.

"Or what?" he smirked, pressing his thumbs into my sore ribs.

I writhed in pain and anger. I wasn't about to let him win. No way in hell was he going to take advantage of me again. He wouldn't lead me on this time...

Shifting slightly, I brought my good knee up between us and softly rubbed it against his crotch in a slow motion. The color drained from his already pale face as I smiled in accomplishment.

"You like that, don't you?" I asked, receiving a slow nod in return. Grinning slyly, I kneed him in his soft spot. He bit his lip a little, his smirk not once fading.

"I knew you wouldn't be easy" he muttered.

"Well how would you like to be chained? Do you think it's fun to be in my position?" I yelled sarcastically, straining against the chains that held me at bay.

"I can only imagine it isn't the least bit pleasurable, hmm?"

I stared blankly at him, trying to will the metal to melt around my wrists so I could wipe that smirk off his face.

"Can't you just let me go?" I asked, getting quite bored of small talk. "You can just uncuff me and I'll leave. We can pretend all of this never happened..."

Fushimi sighed, shaking his head, "Akane... I don't want to pretend none of this ever happened."

I gave him a confused look in which he averted his eyes before he continued.

"Remember how I told you there was no such thing as 'heroes' and how the world was every man for himself?"

I nodded, not sure where he was going with this.

"Well..." he cleared his throat. "I no longer think that..."

He reached over and revealed a key, unlocking the handcuffs and tossing them back onto the nightstand, officially setting me free.

"Akane" he spoke softly as he looked me in the eye. "Will you be my hero?"

Le End~

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