Chapter 15

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"So what'd you do at Homra?" I asked as soon as we got out of ear shot.

"I joined the clan officially" she told me, glancing down at her hand briefly.

"Oh that's right" I remembered. "You had to shake Anna's hand with it being on fire..."

She nodded absentmindedly, probably not even listening to me.

"Do you know why people shake hands?"

She shook her head, "No, but I bet you're going to tell me..."

"Well actually it's why people used to do it. It was based out of suspicion."

Akane raised an eyebrow "Suspicion?"

"Yeah. Tell me..." I stopped walking, causing her to do the same. "If you had a knife, you'd hold it in your right hand, wouldn't you?"

"Yeah..." she answered slowly, picking up on the idea.

"And you shake hands with your right as well. Because of that you can't really do anything shady when first meeting someone. The idea of hand shaking was made purely for defense. It was a way to ensure you wouldn't get stabbed or in extreme cases, shot..."

"But I don't believe that's why I had to shake hands with Anna."

"Obviously!" I rolled my eyes slightly. "The reason for that is much different."

"Then what is it, O smart one?"

"It's to tell whether or not your intentions are pure and not out of something such as revenge. If you get burned then you can't be excepted..."

"Then how come you were let in?"

Her words hit me like a smack to the face. I looked up at her and knew that this wasn't just something she wanted to know. She said it to hurt and the effects were almost instant. I shook my head and started to walk again, not even bothering to make sure she followed.

We walked a few more minutes until we reached a park where I decided we had gone far enough. I plopped down on the bench and sighed, tilting my head back and closing my eyes. Akane sat down next to me on the very edge and turned to me, as if she were expecting me to mug her or something.

"Tired, huh?"

"Nah, not at all..." I answered sarcastically, still upset by her question from before.

I opened one eye slowly and caught the dirty look she threw at me. I had almost forgotten that I was supposed to be 'nice' to her. I was supposed to earn her trust...

"Sorry..." I rubbed my eyes behind my glasses. "Yes, I am tired."

"Well don't take it out on me or I'll kick your ass."

I laughed internally, trying to imagine someone like her kicking my ass. Literally impossible.

"Aw, look at the dog!" Akane said happily.

"What?!" my eyes widened.

"Come here boy!" she called to the brown dog.

"What are you doing? Don't call it over here!"

"Why not Fushimi?" she asked, turning to me. "Are you afraid of dogs?"

I shook my head violently as the dog ran up to Akane. I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them tightly, trying my best to stay as far away from the mutt as possible.

The dog barked at me and put his front paws on the bench, sniffing my shoes curiously.

"Since you say you aren't afraid of dogs, pet him..." Akane told me as she rubbed the dog's ear.

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