Chapter 27

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"Wait. Let me get this straight... You tried to make a move and she flat out rejected you?"

Hidaka sat on the edge of my desk as he struggled to maintain a straight face.

"Well yes, but-"

Hidaka didn't allow me to finish. He burst out laughing, forgetting to breathe halfway through.

I tapped my fingers angrily on my desk. Hidaka stood and covered his mouth, regaining his composure before he spoke again.

"I'm sorry" he chuckled, waving the hand that had covered his mouth previously. "You can continue... Unless your dignity is on the line..."

I clenched my teeth and glared. If he would have just listened...

I cleared my throat and ignored my anger, "Of course it's not. But... Because you didn't allow me to finish..."

"So, you did-?" Hidaka asked, completely surprised.

"Did what?" I asked innocently.

"You know..." he answered, his eyes growing slightly wide as if he were trying to make me understand without him actually speaking.

"I do?" I said slyly as I spun my chair around and stared out the window.

"Dammit Fushimi!" he shouted. Do I have to spell it out for you?"

I looked up at him and smirked, "What do you think we did, idiot? Organize a photo album?"

Hidaka's expression completely changed. I returned to gazing out my window, satisfied by his reaction.

"Do you... Love her...?"

I froze. Did I... love her? I hadn't really thought about that. Up until now I never had the time for such a quick fading thing. My relationship Akane started out very one-sided. It was strictly professional for me. But now...

"What makes you think I love her?" I asked, genuinely curious myself.

"Why else would you have had sex with her?"

I could have easily told him something along the lines of 'I was simply in the mood'. And it would have been believable too. But I couldn't. I couldn't lie about this.

I guess I did love her. I watched the cars on the street, trying to lose myself in the traffic far below. I love her but, Munakata is still counting on me.

"What are you going to do about the case?" he asked, voicing the question I had just asked myself.

I knew exactly what I couldn't do. I definitely couldn't face Munakata empty handed.

"I'll try one last time" I decided out loud. "Tonight. I'll take her out and try again. Text me later about it, okay?"

"Yeah sure, no problem" he responded.

I sighed and stood up, "Can you do me a favor, Hidaka?"

"Depends on what it is."

"When this is all over, please don't mention this case at all."

I didn't plan breaking off whatever Akane and I had. I didn't want her to find out about why I had originally started hanging around her. I wanted to keep seeing her.

"Fine" Hidaka answered, nodding his head in understanding. "It's Scepter 4's little secret..."

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