Chapter 23

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"I don't get why you want to go out with that asshole."

I was currently in the process of getting dressed on Friday evening while Aki sat on the edge of my bed, watching me cross the room every so often to collect some of my things.

"Well it's not like I could just say no-"

"It's easy. Just say, 'I'd rather jump off a bridge then go out with a traitor like you'..."

I rolled my eyes slightly as I tied my shoes.

"I keep hearing you guys call him traitor... What exactly did he do again?"

Aki huffed, "Well I don't fucking know! Maybe he left Homra for Scepter 4... But perhaps it's just something else, right?"

"Your attitude is difficult to get used to."

"Why thank you. Such is a skill I have learned to perfect."

So no wonder Yata's temper flares up around Fushimi. I wonder why he did it though...

"Maybe he'll tell you that himself" Aki spoke, her voice breaking through my thoughts.

"Wha-?" I sputtered. "How'd you-?"

"I told you" she smirked. "I know everything."

"Why exactly, are you always saying that?"

She must be joking. She can't possibly be serious.

"I am quite serious" she answered as if she could... read my thoughts.

"Can you... Read my mind?"

Aki smiled and my eyes widen as she laughed lightly.

"But... How? How are you able to do that?"

"Because I'm a Strain."


"Yeah, Strain."

"So that's your-"

"Power. Yes."

"And you-"

"Read minds. Also yes."

"And you know-"

"Everything you're thinking right now..."

I gave her a sour look, not appreciating the smirk she wore and the fact that she was finishing my sentences. I cursed her in my mind, praying that she could actually hear them.

Aki stood up and walked to the door before stopping to speak to me.

"And don't tell anyone... Only a few selected people know."

"Boy, do I feel special" I muttered sarcastically.

I followed Aki down the hall with Aki still rambling on about her secret. I swore I would never tell anyone, no matter what.

"And don't tell Fushimi especially..."

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