Chapter 16 - Cumberland Falls

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"What are you going to do, Dutch?" Arthur asked.

"I'm going to speak with Trelawny. We need to find Abigail, and get some answers!"

Casie rode hard until sunrise, keeping away from the main tracks. Going across country, or keeping close to railway lines, or the river, but being wary of all the gators in the swampy areas. she knew they would try to track her, and plus she wanted to stay away from civilisation, as much as possible.

As the sun started rise, she looked ahead. She could see emerald ranch in the distance. She'd come further than she thought. Good, she could afford to rest a while, and let Ice recover some energy. Casie set up camp, lay down on her bed roll, and closed her eyes.

Charles, Arthur, Micah and Javier left camp. Charles took the lead, changing direction several times.

"Why are we going back and forth like his?" Micah complained.

Charles smiled, "She's good. She didn't intend for us to be able to track her easily. She's good, but I'm better!"

After that, Micah kept his mouth shut, and followed Charles, making sure to keep behind, so that he didn't ride over any tracks that Casie may have made.

"She's been riding fast, she'll have to rest soon. For the horses sake."Charles noted.

He raised his hand, motioning for every one to stop.

Charles took out his binoculars, and Found Ice's tracks. "Ok lets make for that large tree. I can pickup the tracks from there, we need to pick up the speed."

The tree was about a mile away, so the men galloped to the location, Charles then picked up the tracks again, and they continued at a slower pace.

Dutch sat with Hosea and Josiah Trelawny, in the main downstairs room of the house.

"Aren't you worried about Casie?" Hosea asked, with concern in his eyes.

"Of course I am, but I also intend to find Abigail and Jack. We need to find out if Abigail was aware of John's treachery, or if she just thought they were going to leave the gang, and make a home for themselves. I know that's what she always wanted."

"And the boy, what if Abigail has turned as well, will you make him an orphan. I hope we haven't sunk to killing children too!" Hosea replied.

Dutch glared at Hosea, "give me some credit, Hosea! Anyway that's the other thing, we have to find out for sure."

"Find out what?" Asked Josiah, looking somewhat surprised.

Hosea replied, before Dutch had a chance to. "There's always been some speculation over the parentage of young Jack. Abigail had a habit of sleeping with whoever was available. John was never quite sure if he was Jacks father. If Abigail is also a traitor, then removing her, won't necessarily leave him an orphan."

Josiah raised an eyebrow. "Is there anyone that Abigail would trust, to look after Jack, whilst all this is going on. Or does she have any other family that she would trust."

"I'm not sure, she did mention a sister once or twice. Used to work the saloons with Abigail, before she joined us." Dutch replied.

Josiah nodded. "Its a start, I'll see what I can find out."

Casie woke up. "Shit!" She mumbled. She had rested too long. Casie got up, and stamped out the fire, she noticed some riders on the horizon. She grabbed the binoculars from her saddle bag. She recognised immediately, the cream trench coat of bounty hunters.

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