We went over a bit and waited for Kyle's ass to get here. It started shortly and a few people came in to hear the 'case'.

"All rise." whoever the guy was, said. The people all rised and waited for the judge to sit down before the rest of us sat. His name was Judge Frank Randolph. Decent looking man for his age, looked like a religious one at that.

"Before we get started, good morning everyone. We know why we're here and the case description is being passed throughout the Members of the Jury." he said.

"I'd like Miss Brown and her lawyer to state their claim first."

Greg looked at me for a wish of luck and I smiled hopefully. He cleared his throat before standing up.

"Your honor. Good morning to everyone in here and morning to you again sir. I'm just going to list the pros and cons of a dual parenting agreement." Greg started.

I spaced out for a bit before I heard my name and Greg point back at me.

"Can you tell me the first few months, how was your pregnancy?" Greg asked.

"With permission to speak, I'd be happy to explain." I said as the Judge nodded. "My first, let's say two, months of being pregnant, amazing. I was happy and excited to be a mother and have a child to call my own.

"Now let's go directly two months after that; hellish is how I felt. I had no help in my pregnancy what's so ever and I felt alone and basically wanted to die because no one was there to support me. And I'm not trying to make a sob story but I had a terrible marriage with Mr. French."

"You're honor that's a lie-"

"Please wait until I grant you to talk Mr. French." Randolph said. I silently thanked him before continuing.

"I thought my life was going to get better after highschool but pregnancy was not in my head, nor getting married so early. I was and am still learning how to be an adult and raising another human being. But during my pregnancy, I was afraid. I had many fears in my mind; what if he's premature, what if I lose the baby, why is this happening to me.

"Kyle was never there. I had many theories that he'd be cheating or doing drugs or getting drunk that I stressed myself out and had many depressing days that he wasn't there for me on." I said. I caught the eyes of Kyle when I looked over, seeing that he looked guilty.

"Miss Brown also had a brief history of assault with Mr. French," Greg started again.

I fanned my eyes because they felt teary for a moment. I just wanted to get this case over with and have my son and not have to share him with that monster I call Kyle.

We took a short recess after my claims and joined back up a few minutes later, knowing we didn't have long in the courtroom.

It was Kyle's turn along with his lawyers by his side. They talked for what seem liked hours and Kyle went on to why I was an unfit mother and Bash and I wouldn't have time for him because Sebastian is always in the spotlight and I'm busy doing other things.

His points were good but he lied on some that I couldn't interrupt on. Calling me an unfit mother? I'm the one that popped him out and Kyle definetly wasn't there to hold my hand in doing it.

By the end of the short trial, the Judge hadn't come to a decision at all yet.

"So, I do see that I need a signature from Mr. French on this divorce sheet that was filed against you. I'm not suprised." Randolph muttered.

"You're honor, if you allow me to ask, not suprised by what?" Kyle asked.

"Suprised she wants to divorce you. Son, never put your hands on a woman, Judge's give them more sympathy and give you, disgust." he said truthfully. He passed the paper to Kyle as I looked with anticipation.

When he signs this, it means I legally divorced him and just have to go through the system to get the paper accepted.

He signed the paper slowly after glancing at me. I was free from being married to this blonde prick. The Judge took the paper back and hit his gavel on the stand thing.

"We will complete this case with results in let's say, a month. You'll both be notified when what's fair is decided. Have a good day." Randolph said leaving his pillar and going into a room. The people in the courtroom rised when he left and exited.

I went and hugged Greg first and thanked him for everything today, then went to Bash.

He kissed me briefly and smiled.

"It's all gonna work out, don't worry. Divorce is just another phase in life. And we will get TJ." he said grasping the side of my face. I nodded and smiled.

I heard a throat clear and looked behind me to see the lovely Kyle French waiting to speak to us.

"Can we help you?" Sebastian asked.

"I will see you two in court in a month. Here's my card in case you try to cancel or something." Kyle said looking down and giving the card to Bash, who snatched it.

Him and his doofs walked out before us and I groaned in Bash's chest.

"Now we can get married." he said.


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