1:38 Am

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1:38 am that is the time the first shot happened. I thought this war would be against supernatural powers but the dark war fighters had guns. When I heard the first shot I was sleeping I had woke up and Danny grabbed me like he would never see me again. I guess this war could kill one of us and we wont see each other.

"Danny, what's going on" I asked, as i put my face into his chest.

"The war just begun" he said pulling me closer if that was possible we were really close to start with. I pulled away and went to go see what was going on I mean I knew. "Sage come back" Danny called as I walked out of the room. The Dark war fighters were trying to get thought the door. my mother was trying to quietly get everyone in a room. I was walking over to help when Danny tossed me on his back he carried me down stairs then behind two huge metal doors then down another stair case into a room. The room had two beds and was full of food and water. "We are safe here so please stay here." Danny told me, was he about to leave? I was confused why he brought me here.

"Why are we here? Where is Kayla and Darren?" I asked before there was three knocks at the door Danny unlocked in and Darren,Kayla, Victoria and Eric walked into room.

"Okay, now everyone is here. Sage we are here to protect you and Kayla. Victoria seen something that alarmed your mother so she wrote me this note" he said handing it to me


I know I wasn't apart of Sage's life until just recently but she still is my daughter so I am going to protect her. I can't do it so I need you too. I know you are her mate and that's what they do but I don't want Sage or Kayla fighting right now at least. I am sending Victoria and Eric to help in the protection so when everyone hears the first shot I want you guys to go to the secret room I showed you earlier.


"Victoria what did you see?" I asked, she didn't respond she looked away. Now I know it was bad one of us die. "Please tell me I need to know" I begged

"The witches protective spell is broken and Danny's father is the first to die Hyrum walked in right after Danny's dad die. Sage he is looking for you not anyone else but you." she said, that's not like she saw me die or really anyone I care about. Danny and Darren on the other hand was on the floor crying because there father was just killed. I got on the floor and hugged Danny he just couldn't understand that his father was going to kill me like right then and there.

"Danny, it's okay. I am here for you I love you."I told him, he was still angry he got up and ran out of the room. "Danny, No don't go." I yelled running after him. I got to the last door before were the war was happening and I was pushed back and I couldn't move. Eric was a witch he has holding me and he pulled me back down all the stairs. He then locked all the doors so now Danny was stuck between the first and second doors. I could feel his pain he just lost the man that he was raised by even though i didn't like him Danny still loved him.

"Sage, you know you can't leave this room until the war is over or our mother comes and gets us. I know you love Danny but he is aloud out your not." Kayla said to me like I was a two year old.

"Look Kayla, you have been treating me like am the little sister for to long. I was born first, were are the same age you can talk to me like I am about to eighteen. Kayla I know sure as hell if that was Darren you would be running to so shut up. I can stand you right now okay you have treated me like I was stupid for too many years! I am smart I can win this war and now I can take care of my self so leave me alone!" I said to her

"Listen Sage you don't have to be rude. It's not my fault that you forgot what happened and Victor wouldn't let me tell you. I wish you didn't have to go thought this Sage I wish it was me."she yelled

"I said leave me alone. I don't care who's fault it is or what you wish. Leave me alone!!!" I spat at her

"Sage, I need you to know it's not my fault--" she got out before I lost my temper and punched her in the face. Darren got up and looked a Kayla and he tried to hurt me but I punched him and he fell too.I then busted down all the doors and when to war. I took out two people with in ten second of getting up the stairs. I ran to the top floor and started screaming.

"Up here Look at me, Look at me!" no one looked what was I thinking that everyone would stop killing each other to look at the girl screaming. I turned around and saw my uncle Hyrum standing there.

"Great, you can draw attention to yourself. Now since no one will listen to I can kill you." He said with a smiled on his face. I stood there and opened my arm he started running at my and before he knew what happened his head was in my hand and his frozen body fell off the roof when it hit the ground it shatter like glass. by this time Danny in his wolf form had found me he put me on his back and pulled me back tot the safe room. Eric fixed the doors so no one could get out until he broke the spell him self.

"Sage Cosland, how dare you punch your sister." Kayla said as she rose up. she had her hand covering her nose. I guess I punched her so hard I broke her nose.

"How dare you treat your older sister with such disrespect. Probably more that you have for your self." I told her I was her best friend and slut was a good word to use for her she slept with half the football team and though they would call the next morning.

"Why would you bring up my past?" she screamed

"Why have you treated me like shit for years, slut" I screamed right back at her. Danny and Darren were held back by Eric and Victoria.

"You son of a bitch" She said slapping me

"Oh hell no now you are talking about my family" I said punching her, I don't sissy fight be a man a Punch me like one. she fell to the floor because she can't fight

"Get up and tell my how mother is a bitch" I said to her, she stayed on the ground and sobbed. she then looked up at me with two black eyes and a broken nose.

"Who are you and what have you done with my sister" she asked

"The old Sage is gone and the new Sage is here you either like me or don't I will never please anyone again." I told her I then took a seat on the bed and Eric let go of Danny. Victoria slowly let go of Darren he ran to Kayla to aid her. I watched as she cried in pain on him. I sat there a thought I have been though a lot and in the end my best friend is a slut that treats me like shit and doesn't even care about me.


Thanks for reading



~Morgan :P

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