Kayla and Sage together again

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We go in the car and drove for hours, I was so bored. It felt more like days though. I when we finally arrived I ran out of the car and to Kayla’s door.

“Kayla, Kayla, open this door, now” I knocked. The door flew open showing Kayla standing there with tissues in her hand and crying.

“Kayla, are you okay?” I asked she engulfed me in a hug

“They told me you died, Sage, I am so glad-” she fell to the ground crying

“Kay Bay, it’s okay I am here now I not dead” I hugged her

“I am glad your not I don’t know what I would do with out my best friend”

“Sister, I am your sister and I am a werewolf vampire hybrid and your mate is a pain in my but” she perked up when I said ‘mate’

“You know my mate?!” she squealed

“Yeah, his name is Darren and he might like to meet you maybe you would like to come back with me?” I smiled

“I would love too, but I have to pack first” I smiled

“Kayla, can you go to my house and get me a lot of my clothes” I asked she nodded

“I will go right now” she said heading to the door when she bumped into Henry.

“Your mate Sage?” she asked, I nodded and so did he.

“Wow, he’s-” I smiled and blushed then she wined at me.

“Kayla, clothes please” she laughed and walked a way. I walked to the door and Henry was in my way he tried to move but victor won’t let him. So I slammed into both of them. I landed right in Henry and I started to laugh.

“Hi, how your day going”

“Well, better in this position” he chuckled

“I would get up but I can’t it’s kind of you arms are around me” I giggled

“Sorry, here” he said as he moved his arms.

“Sage” Kayla gasped, I quickly jumped up and helped Henry up.

“Kayla” I gasped “is there something I can help you with?” I smiled

“Nope, just wanted to tell you I am ready to go and your stuff is in the car”

“let’s go” I smiled and grabbed Henry’s hand. He gasped but I ignored it and pulled him to the car.

“Driver home please” we squealed

“Ok, Sage” he replied. I was still holding Henry’s hand and I was talking to Kayla just trying to get caught up.

“Have you seen Lilly? She works for D” she asked

“No, if I do I going do the same thing I did your pretty faced mate” I smiled

“What did you do, Sage?” I started to laughing

“Oh, Kayla what haven’t I done is the question you should ask” I smiled

“Well, Sage, what haven’t you done?” she asked cautiously

“Darren or Henry, I am just joking but I not. I beat Darren a couple times, did you know @$$hole bleed red too?” I laughed

“Sage, is he really that mean?” as I was about to reply Henry cut in

“No, he’s pretty nice”

“And kind and dreamy, now that was a lie, he is a @$$hole” I smiled

“Sage, to her he will be like every thing of her dreams” he smiled

“Wow, people actually have dream guys. I like you I like you, I hate you I hate you that’s just my personality” I stated

“Well, what do you think about me?” Henry asked

“Well I like you so yeah” I stuttered

“What, Sage means she has feeling for you but she doesn’t know why” Kayla blurted

“Kayla” I blushed. She has know me for ever so she knows when I like someone and she knows I won’t tell them.

“Is that true, Sage” Henry and Victor said at the same time

“I guess you will find out in the neat future” I said

“Witch means yes in Sage’s book” Kayla said “You have to love that I can read your mind and you can read mine”

“Yeah, man she likes you, and you were worried” Victor commented

“I can read your mind” I said changing the subject.

“Yeah, you know your concuss well that little Kayla voice is me” she said

Kayla can you hear me?

I thought

Sage, I can hear you this thing is called mind link

. Kayla explained

Can I mind link Victor? Why do I feel that way for Henry? Am I going to ever change into a big furry wolf?

I sent

Victor can’t hear us it’s a werewolf thing. You feel that way for Henry because he’s your mate’s you love him he loves you it’s something that wont go away. For the big furry wolf thing if you want to you will but if you don’t you don’t have to and then you will become full vampire and you will take over for mom.

She sent

Kayla why can’t I just be normal?

I asked she surged and giggled. We arrived at the house about an hour later.

“Sage, come on, now, we have training” Darren yelled walking out of the house. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Henry’s hand.

“So I really am Henry’s mate and Kayla’s yours and I you hurt Kayla you will be torched I wont kill you fast and painless you will die slow and painful. It not Henry’s fault he didn’t know until I told him I had strange feeling for him and I just wanted to put you in pain” I said. He turn his head to look at Kayla. She was in his arms with in seconds and they were making out like I really though that there goal was to see how far they could shove there tongue down each other’s throat. they just meet and have there tongue’s in the others mouth. I ran to the beautiful waterfall and hid behind it not because of jealousy or any thing I just wanted to be alone. That’s when I heard

*click, click, click*

They were high heels on the ground. Then her face appeared

“Ha-ha, Sage, I am glade you are alone now” she evil chuckled. I couldn’t make out who it was it was to dark

“KAYLA” I yelled as loud as I could

“What’s she going to do save you” she cackled

Kayla if I never see you again I love you and Victor and Henry

I sent


Who do you think the girl is?



-Morgan :)

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