Just a Little Creepy

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Shay, can we go back now ?

Yeah, but tell Kayla to meet us at our old house well will run there leave her a letter telling to meet us at mom’s house and then we will go there ok

I like the plan

Kayla, meet me at your old house

Ok, see you soon

Shay and I ran to her old house and left a note on the ground that told her to meet us at mom’s house. We ran to the castle and they thought I was going to kill them but I asked my mom for clothes and when she brought me them I walked away and changed and put the clothes on. I walked back out

“Ok, mom, I have wolf problems I need some one to talk to. Can I talk to you?” I asked

“Of course I want to help you” she pulled me to the garden “So what’s up”

“Wolf are so confusing like so I was Darren’s mate but that was a lie than I was Henry’s mate and that was a lie too so I don’t want a mate because and I talked to my wolf and I changed and life is so confusing and I don’t want a mate but I don’t want to reject him that’s just rude”

“Umm. Sage I am a Vampire I can’t help you with wolf thing you will have to ask Kayla these thing”

“Thanks for listening to me I am just done I’m going back” she smiled and led me to the door

“Stay safe, Sage” she called as I walked out the gate to the woods. In the woods striped and put my clothes in my mouth and ran to the waterfall. I dropped my clothes and watched the water flow freely.

Shay, do you like being my wolf?

Yes, because your life is so fun and now I feel like I can talk to you more and Kayla and Victor don’t have control of me anymore.

Shay, I think some one is coming towards us, do you know who it is?

Darren and no one is with him

“Sage, Sage, I need you to talk to Danny for me”

“Why would I do that and who is Danny?” I asked he walked behind the waterfall and sat with me

“Danny is my older brother and he has Kayla and there looking for you”

“Ok, hold on”

Kayla I am behind the waterfall I just need to clear my head you can come here right?

Yeah, Sage I will be right there

“What dose he want? Do you think you could hold him off long enough for me and Kayla to leave and hide?” ‘Sage he wants his mate’ Shay added

“He wants his mate and I don’t think so just talk to him” they arrived before could add anything

“Kayla” I said as I ran to her then he appeared behind her. I hugged her and I heard a low growl come for both brother’s. when I let Kayla go she rushed to her mate and Danny came my way. He was standing in front of me a little to close for comfort.

“Hello” I said nicely

“Hello, my little mate” he said

“What‘s your name?” I said

“Daniel but everyone calls me Danny. What’s yours ” he said

“Sage” I turned around “Douche Bag, I talked to him now me and Kayla are leavening” I walked towards Kayla when Danny grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

“Your not going any where” he growled

“Are you my mama? Are you daddy? I didn’t think so. So your not going to tell me what I can and can’t do because I will bite you” my fangs came out and I hissed at him. He dropped my arm very quickly and I pulled Kayla away then I stopped and turned

“I know guy have some thing going on like a war of mom thinks he better than me and you both need to get over it” I smiled then kept walking. Wow I can be so mean

Of course, your Sage and that was very rude

I thought girl wolf were all like that’s my mate I am so thirsty

I am not like that I am not thirsty because I am not just a Wolf I am also a Vampire because you don’t get a personalized one of those so I am both

I am sorry I was rude but it was his fault that he took my sister to find me that’s kind of low

You knew he would follow Kayla

Yeah, but that’s why I left the note so she could rip it up and get rid of it before he got there

Sage, a thirsty male wolf dose not have time for that he is way to thirsty

I am going to sleep watch out for him please

Ok, go to sleep now

With we entered the house and drifted to sleep.


thanks for reading




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