going to my mother's house

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“Henry, where are you?” I called Victor walked out of Henry’s room.

“I can’t find him” he said

“I think I know where he is” I smiled. I ran to the waterfall and clime up the side. He was sitting there with his pants rolled up and his feet in the water. I walked slowly towards him.

“I am sorry, that he just slammed you into a tree because of me” he looked at me

“It’s ok, but it mostly what I am, it’s really not your fault.” he said

“It’s to and I feel really guilty. Are you hurt” I knew the answer but I want to make sure.

“Yeah, I’m good” he smirked

“Can you stop that” the gave me the cutes confused look

“What am I doing that I need to stop?” I rolled my eye

“The cute faces you make” I blushed

“I know you like it so no” he smiled there was all long silent and a nagging question on my mind. 

“Do you think they will let me go home now?” he frowned

“Why, you don’t want to stay here with your sister, brother, me and all the new friends you made?”

“I do but I want to go home and sleep in my own bed and on my own sheets” I explained

“Oh, if you want to leave I am not stopping you” he said as he looked into the water. I stood up and walked away I just didn’t want to walk away I was going to give my mom a chance.

“Henry, if you want you can come with me” I shouted to him he quickly hopped up and followed me. We walked hand and hand to the pack house to see Dave and Darren.

“DARREN!” I yelled. He strolled down the stairs half dressed rolled my eyes. “come on we need to talk to you and Dave”

“Ok, let’s go” I pulled Henry along with me. I knoked on Dave’s door he opened the door and let us in to talk.

“Dave I am going to stay with my real mother for a couple days”

“What, your sating with you mother, no, not a good idea, no, Sage please be do be impulsive, you can’t go, I refuse to let you” Dave said angrily

“Why, let her go it’s her life we are strong enough to take her and all the vamps in the world” Darren said

“Yeah let me go

Henry is coming with me to make sure I am safe” I nudged Henry

“Yeah, I will she will be safe with me I give you my word” he smiled

“Sage, you can leave in two days and I will let you go” Dave said

“No, Henry and I will leave in the morning” I stated and walked away. I walked Henry to his room then I when to the waterfall to think. I sat there for a hour just thinking about my life.

“I knew I would find you here” Henry said

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“I don’t know but I knew you would” I smiled

“why did you think I wouldn’t love you ?” I asked

“well I thought you were in love with Darren or another guy and I didn’t have a chance” he smirked

“Well I really like the hot guy on the Ferris wheel he was really sweet” I smiled

“I fell for this really pretty girl but I really liked her personality” I blushed and laid my head on his leg and fell asleep.


“Sage, wake up” some one breathed in my ear. It gave me the chills

“I’m wake, I’m wake” I said hopping up I then realized I was sleeping under the waterfall the sun rise on the other side of the water was beautiful, breath taking. The orange of the suns glare pored into the water and hit the cave making it look pink.

“We are leaving for my mother’s, right?” he nodded

“Our stuff is packed, I packed it while you where sleeping” he smiled as we walked to the car.

“Hey, I going to go tell Dave I know he will be worried” I left Henry at the car and walked to Dave’s room. When I arrived before I could even knock on the door Dave ripped the door open.

“Sage, please don’t go please rethink it” he begged

“I am leaving I will be gone for three days if I am not back on the third day you can come looking for me ok I will be mind chatting Kayla so if you need to ask me any thing have Kayla mind chat me I will talk to you then but now I am leaving, ok” he smiled

“Ok, Sage, just stay safe please don’t forget if you need help call me, know I will be having Kayla mind chatting you a ton I am just a worried father and make sure henry keeps you safe, ok” I nodded and left the house I go in the car and we drove towards my mother’s house. I wonder if she knows I am coming because I never gave her my number and she never gave me hers. maybe Dave might call but I don’t think he will. I know he wants me to stay safe but I want to meet her and hang out with her to see what I can find out that Dave might need to know for a war. I think she is one of those people that if they don’t get what they want she will start a war. So I am going to be a spy for Dave and Darren. She will never see it coming, she will think I had a change in heart but I am just trying to get a head of the game


Big thanks for reading, if you didn't know Stalking Sage hit a 100 read, that made me happy so thanks so much and I hope your enjoying and I hope you keep reading.



-Morgan :D

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