blood sucker or blood drippers

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"Good morning, professor" I said rolling over on my side to hug my bear. I was about to hop of the bed. I was pulled back by Darren. After I realized that he was holding me I started freaking out

"Victor, get him off of me, Nate help, really anyone I need help" I screamed he didn't even move a muscle and I was screaming. Victor and Nate bolted in the room quickly.

"What's going on?" Victor asked calmly

"Do you see anything wrong with this picture?" I tried my best to control my temper. 'Sage, breathe, just breathe' I told my self I have a tad bit of anger issues. that was a lie I have huge anger issues

"You're his mate and his wolf wants you" I evilly grinned

"Well his wolf will get what he wants he going to get my fist in his face" I chuckled

"that's his problem not ours why do we care?" Victor asked

"I don't know maybe your sister might go to jail for murder" he smiled

"He'll wake up before you kill him, but he won't be to happy" I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in the stomach. I knocked the wind out of him. His eyes flew open and gripped his stomach in pain. I smiled at the pain I put him in I warned him.

"What was that for?!" he yelled angrily. I grabbed my bear and hopped up quickly

"I told you I bite, I was nice enough not to bite you but to just elbow you"

"GET OUT NOW" he yelled. walked out with pride in my work. I had walked down the hall to Dave's room and he was listing to music. My favorite song played. Are you going to kiss me or not by Thomason square

'are you gonna kiss me or not

are we gonna do this or what

I think you know I like you a lot but you're 'bout to miss your shot

are you gonna to kiss me or not'

his radio sang

I walked into Dave's room and he stopped the music. I smiled

"No, don't stop it that's my favorite song" he smiled then let it play I started dancing. Dave grabbed my hand and dance with me. when the song came to an end I fell to the ground laughing. it made me think or when my dad would dance with me to that song. when the memories came flooding back I started crying. Dave sat next to me and held me I pulled away then ran out of the room. I walked down the hall to victor's room he was making out with some blond chick. 'I really wish I could un see that' I thought

"Sage, Darren told me to come get you" Nate stated

"If he wants tell him to come get me a to be ready to fight because I not going any where" I smiled

"Sage, please he scares me I really don't want to make him mad"

"Nate, he won't hurt you and if he does tell me and I take care of him" he rolled his eyes and left. I walked around trying to find the kitchen. when I found it I dug though the food and found cold pizza. it was the best cold pizza ever. I sat on the counter eating my cold pizza when I heard some one walk in. he was hot he had long black hair and ice blue eyes he was extremely pale he was tall and fit.

"Hello, I am sage what's your name?" I smiled

"Henry, are you Darren's mate Sage?" I nodded

"I guess word travels fast around here"

"No, not really, Darren just acted lovesick" I laughed

"I talked to him for about an hour only because the Ferris wheel people where playing match maker. Then it broke I just wonder how he found me because all we talked about was the tattoos we have"

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