peace treaty, maybe part one

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I woke up to the birds singing it was a lovely day but I was tried so stayed in bed, until some one walked in and pulled the curtains open.

“ahhhhhhhh, the sun, it burns please shut it” I yelled

“Wow, I didn’t know people really believed that the sun burn vampires” Henry chucked as he shut the curtains.

“who said any thing about vampires, that hurt my eyes” I stated

“Oh, yeah your eyes” I laughed

“Are you feeling stupid now?” he nodded

“Were you trying to awake me up for a reason or just because you can?”

“Well, Dave wanted to take you to meet your mother if you want”

“Okay, is Victor going?” I asked she’s our mother so I want him to go too

“Yes, you, Victor, Nate, Jake, Darren, Dave, and me area all going and right now I would like to tell you don’t show fear” then he left the room.

“SAGE!!!” some one screamed I had a feeling I was in trouble but I got out of my bed and walked out of my room. Then some one chucked a beautiful dress at me. I was gold at the top and black at the bottom. I walked back into my room and put it on I looked beautiful. I fixed my hair then when to find everyone. I found Nate in the kitchen and it smelled some delicious it was pancake.

“Hey, Nate can I have those pancakes?” he nodded. I took the pancakes and walked to the counter. They were the best pancakes I have ever had.

"Nate, I didn't know you could cook this good" he chuckled

"I am the best cook here but no one will admit it" I rolled my eye

"Well, when do we leave. talking to my real mother is not something I really want to do" 

"I know Sage but if we have a chance of not having to go to war we need to take it " I nodded then put my empty plate in the sink. I then walked to the front door where every one was.

"Ok every one keep Sage safe, don't make the vampire's mad we are trying to make a peace treaty. so keep your cool and if I give you the signal you run as fast as you can with sage back to pack land. Henry is going to be with sage the hole time because he's the fastest runner we have so protect Henry and sage. now everyone let's go" Darren spoke I followed Henry and we walked out side to the cars there were three black suv's waiting for us. Henry and I hopped into the middle car the car started to roll and I didn't know how long we were going to be sitting in the car but I really didn't care I just never wanted to be there I don't know her nor do I want to. 

"Sage, where here stay near me" Henry said to me.

"Ok, am I going to meet her right now?" he nodded. Darren led us into a huge black castle it was kind of creepy. we walked in to a huge room with five large chairs at the end of it. each chair had a name engraved above it the chairs read Dave, Christine, Victor, Sage, Kayla.

"Henry, why dose she want me I am not the oldest Victor is?" i asked

"She needs the oldest hybrid and Victor's dad is a vampire so you the oldest" I nodded 

"Do you know Victor's dad?" he nodded and pulled me from the room into a different bedroom place

"His dad is Vance. Christine is back with him so there together but Christine is Dave's mate so the feelings are still the but the vampires and werewolf's won't let the be together and she evil and Dave is good." he told 

"Will i get to meet Vance?"

"If victor wants you to meet him"

"Why aren't you here with the vampires. your a vampire shouldn't you be here?" 

 "I kind of got kick out, i killed the wrong person so yeah" 

"You KILLED someone? they left me in the hands of a murder?" i blurted 

"Well all have killed but I killed and elder"  I dropped the conversation there because i was in the hands of a killer. we reentered the room with the chairs and i saw a women that looked like me. she had sandy blond hair and icy blue eyes. she was wearing a long black dress that hugged her curves. after a couple of seconds her eyes snapped to me. she was staring at me so i stared right back.

"Didn't your mama ever tell you it's not polite to stare?" i asked

 "Yes she did, what's your name?"

"What's your name?"

"I am Queen Christine, now who are you?

" Sage Cosland" I smiled 

"Sage is that really you?" i gave her the dumbest look ever because it was really

"Yes,I am really Sage" i rolled my eyes.Victor then walked over to me.

"Sage this is our mom and my dad" he stated and I smiled.

"Well you guy get working on the peace treaty and we will hang out"she said 

"Lady i good with staying right here with Victor and Henry if they can come I am not going " she rolled her eyes

"Fine, Henry and Victor can come" we walked down a hallway into a kitchen. 

"You must be starved, here eat this" she shoved a glass of red stuff in front of me. i smelt it, it smelt horrid. i wasn't going to drink that.

"No thanks, I'm all full Nate make me pancakes this morning,sorry" 

"It's OK I would love for you to stay with me for a while" she smiled 

"I really wouldn't like that i want to go home to my real parents" 

"I am your mother-" i cut her off 

"No you carried me for nine months but my mom Fed me, clothed me, loved me. The only reason I am here is because I was forced. i didn't want to meet you or Dave I have wonderful parents" I grabbed Henry's hand and ran out the doors and back to the cars. 

"Henry, can we run back to pack land now?" he nodded then we both hopped out of the car and ran. They said he's there fastest runner I was not even running at full speed. when we reached pack land Henry dropped to the ground panting 

"Are you OK there Henry?" he nodded 

"Yeah, I just thought you would be slower like human speed but man your a fast runner I guess you will need to use that in the war"

"Since I ran from her there is going to be a war?" I asked 

"Yeah it will start now we need to get to the pack house like now" i stood up let's go then I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the pack house. i felt so gulity i just started a war


Thanks for reading 



- Morgan :)

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