Is Danny Going to Make It?

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Why did that stupid doctor not let me go see him? The doctor wouldn't even talk to me he talked to Darren. I also did take off for awhile but he could of waited. I had finished running so I came back and got dressed then when in. I had left when the doctor came out and wouldn't talk to me he refused he said 'I can only talk to family' that's why I when on my little run. when I walked in Kayla was curled up on Darren's lap I walked over to him. 

"Darren, what did he say?" I asked

"He is not dead, other than that he said 'he is not okay he might not make it though the night but there is the chance his body will not reject it" he told me. A tear ran down my face it was sad.

"What is his body going to reject? When can we go see him?" I asked

"He had metal in his lung and they he will reject the way they stitched it. To answer your other question family only can go see him in ten minutes." he said

"My dear brother" I smiled at him, I was going to get in even if I had to pretend to be his sister.

"No, Sage, come on now" he said, I was going to persuade him and I was going to win. I am going to see him in that ten minutes. 

"Come on, won't you feel bad if he dies and I didn't get to see him?" I asked Darren trying to guilt trip him in to agreement 

"Yeah but he is not going to die." he said very proudly  

"Well I am still your sister so I am going" I smiled, he rolled his eyes.

"Daniel Hunters family" a nurse called me and Darren stood up.  the nurse showed us back to his room. It was on the fifth floor we walked up all those stairs because the elevator was broken 

"Now I am warning you he might not make it so do make sure to say your good bye's "She said walking away we both rolled our eyes and walked away from the spot 

"Dose she know?" I asked he knew I was asking if she knew we were werewolf's 

"No, I mean she is not one she isn't a human so she might" he said, we then walked in and Danny was on life support. I quickly move to his side and grabbed his hand his heart rate increased when I touched him. 

"Awe, I make your heart flutter" I giggled Darren over heard me and chuckled too.

"Danny, man you have to wake up, now" Darren told him 

"Darren, It's okay he can rest a little" I said 

"No, he can't he needs to wake up in less than twenty-four hours because he said 'if I am ever on life support take me off twenty-four hours later. If I live I live if not I die'" Darren cried, Wow I guess there's alot I show get to know about him because I am his mate and all  

"Oh, well then he better wake up soon. how long dose he have left?" I asked 

"Well I am pretty sure less than twenty so he needs to wake up soon." I rolled my eyes that's just great everything starts to go well in my life then I find out about this war that is coming up then I find out I might not ever see my sister again because she is going to take off after she hears about the war and now Danny has twenty hours or less left on life support. my mind was flying I couldn't keep up the thoughts kept coming . I finally couldn't take it so I ran out of the room then outside I couldn't take it. I ran to the waterfall and just laid there thing about what I was going to do. Well I promised to myself if Danny wakes up before I go to bed I was going to tell Kayla at midnight. I then when home and changed this dress was beautiful but very uncomfortable. then I got a call on my cell phone.

"Hey" I said

"Hey, you might want to come back to the hospital" Darren said

"Let me guess he is up and asking for me?" I asked

"he not asking he told me to tell you to get here now" He said

"Tell him I will be there in a minute okay" I said

"He's not patient just to let you know" he said, I rolled my eyes and shut my phone I ran there and it took me  forty- five seconds to get there I then had to walk around the hospital like a normal person. I walk very slow I knew when I got there that would of made him mad.I walked into his room and he was sitting up like nothing happened to him. I walked over quickly and hugged him lightly he hugged my back.

"How do you fell?" I asked Danny

"Better, now that your here." he said winking

"That's good" I said trying to cover my blush 

"Danny I am going to leave you are in capable hands" Darren said 

"Okay, see you later" He said 

"Bye Sage" Darren said 

"Bye Darren" I smiled

"Sage come here" Danny said, I stood up and walked over to him 

"What is it?" I asked 

"I want you to come sit with me" he said patting the bed beside him, I rolled my eyes and sat down 

"Danny, what happened?" I asked 

"Well you know how I had a nice evening out planned?" He asked, I nodded "Well, I was go getting you flowers and I got a pack call. I had to go so I didn't ended up getting you flowers then after the pack business was over I drove to the store again. this time I got you flowers then I was on my way to the house you were at and I go in a car accident." he said

"Awe, that's cute" I said hugging him

"I know" he said I then punched him "Ouch, what was that for?" he asked 

"Anyways so I am going back home because I am tired" I told him

"NO, I mean can you stay you can sleep there?" he asked, I know I have been worried and I should stay I really just need to sleep a while and so did he.

"I would love to but only family is allowed to visit" I told him

"Okay, your my wife if they ask" he winked, I shook my head 

"It's okay,  I will be back soon, Okay?" I asked 

"Okay, I am going to miss you" he said making a sad face and also making me feel bad.

"Bye" I said walking out of the room. I walked back home I was tired so I jumped in my nice warm bed and passed out. my phone rang at midnight it was time to tell Kayla. I got out of my bed and slowly walked to Kayla's room. I knew Darren was still at the hospital with Danny so this was going to be that hard. I Knocked at the door and Kayla opened it rubbing her eyes 

"Sage, don't you know it's midnight." she said 

"Yeah, I really need to talk to you about something" I said 

"Can it wait?" she asked 

"No, I need to tell you know I promise I will tell you now" I said 

"Okay, go" she said

"Okay, sometime around my eighteenth birthday there is going to be a war and I need your help gathering people to help fight" I said, I really couldn't tell her I knew I would not see her until after the war or maybe never again.


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