The fortune teller's news

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"Sage, what are you talking about?" she looked at me like I was crazy. 

"Kayla, There's going to be a war and you,Darren, Danny and me are going to fight and we need your help finding people to fight." I told her, she nodded. I knew that in the morning she wouldn't be there. I then walked back to my room and when back to sleep. when I woke up in took a shower and got dressed. I when to see if Kayla took off yet. I walked to her room and heard sobs from inside I walked in.

"Darren!? Why are you crying?" I asked, he handed me the note. it read


I am leaving because of what you told me.  I am really scared I hope you will forgive me. Sage, I am sorry I know that the war is not your fault but I can't fight a battle I don't know anything about. I hope you,Danny and Darren get the bad guys. I love you sis and I will see you after the war.


What to say? I love you but now I am hurting you and I am truly sorry I hope someday you will forgive me. I know I just broke your heart but I hope when I see you again that you will understand that I felt trapped. I still feel trapped because I can't come home to my beautiful mate but all I have to say is I love you and I am really truly sorry.


I truly didn't know Kayla felt trapped but I did know she was scared. 

"Sage, what did you tell her?" Darren asked, that was a good question but the better question is should I tell him? I think I should but I don't want to.

"Did you read my part of the letter?" I asked softly

"Yes" he was really trying to be calm.

"So, do you know how me and Kayla are hybrids between vampires and werewolf's. well there is going to be a war and I told her about the war and I knew she would run because a vampire fortune teller told me." I told him, he looked a little mad but he just really looked sad. 

"Sage, you should go see Danny he really wants to see you" Darren said. he was trying to hide the tears streaming down his face but it was pretty hard because I heard him sobbing.

"Okay, and Darren if you need anything just let me know, okay?" I asked he nodded but still kept his head down. I drove to the hospital to see Danny because I know when I left he would be bored.

"Hi" I said walking into Danny's room.

"Sage, I am glad you are here because I am dying of boredom." He told me, I smiled because I knew it and I think it's time to tell him about the trip to the fortune teller.

"Do you remember when I told you that I was going to see a vampire fortune teller?" I asked him 

"Yeah, what happened there? I was going to ask you when you got back but you looked tired and a little mad so I just didn't ask" Danny said to me. I don't know is right now a good time to tell him? I want to tell him but it's going to be a lot for someone in the hospital. I walked close to his bed and sat down 

"She said that there is going to be a war because of what I am. That the older wolfs and older vampires are going to get together and me and all the people that believe that we should be with the people we love no matter what and then the war is going to start really close to my eighteenth birthday." I whispered to him. I really want to know what he is thinking now. 

"What can I do to help? I will fight if I have to I will do anything for you because Sage I am completely in love with you!" Danny told me

"Um, you can hang out with Darren today because the fortune teller told me that Kayla would run away when she found out and I told her last night so... she kind of left last night." I said 

"I am getting out today so I will if you promise to come over after." he said 

"Okay, I will" I said rolling my eyes "Okay go sign your self out now" I told him he called the nurse to ask if he could get the paper but he didn't even have to ask she brought him them. he signed them then he looked at me. then the nurse came back in and got the papers 

"Do you have a ride to your house or do you need one?" she asked, she was trying to flirt with him like in a hair twirling , lip biting kind of way.

"No, my wife Mary Lou and children little Danny and Sarah are here to get me." he told her, her face got a little red.

"Hi ma'am, I am Mary Lou" I smiled "Okay, Danny the kids are down stairs with my parents we got to go or the children will have them killed" I said Danny got up and the nurse left it was really fun making her feel stupid and mad that he wasn't single. well Danny got into a wheel chair and I pushed him all the way to the car. We then drove to Darren's house so I could go to my room and Danny could hang out with Darren. My afternoon was very peaceful because most people train at this time. I was just going to relax for awhile but I thought I would take a run first. I ran in between the lands I heard Danny and Darren's father a grandfather go hunting around this time so I ran closer to Darren's land. I travel along the border really I ran and an older man came out from behind the trees. he looked at me then his face twitched

"Shifted, Now" he barked, I did as I was told and shifted. I stood there naked it was just a bit awkward.

"Can I help you?" I asked, he then handed me his shirt.

"I know what you are" He said, I wonder if he really knows or if he is just messing with me.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I know Sage, the fortune teller told me and I am going to kill you, your sister, and brother so I can have the thrown." He cackled, I took off running I use vampire speed. the bad part of that is that I was on Danny's land and passed the pack house. I heard 'get her boys' and 'your going to die' I didn't know what to do so I stopped and when the wolfs surround me they found out who I was. 

"Guys it's the Luna!" One of the guys yelled 

"Sage, is that you?" Danny's father asked, I looked up 

 "Yeah, it's me" I said, I knew I was done I didn't have to worry about the war. 

"But you're a wolf, wait, you're a hybrid-. Get her boys" They walked towards me I wasn't going to run. The guy that said he was going to kill me came and saved me. I thought it was pretty ironic because he going to kill me now he just saved me. well he dropped me off in the vampire land and left but he left his latex face mask jar. so his face wasn't real and he probable was younger than he looked. I ran to my moms house she was sitting down just relaxing. 

"Hi mom, can I stay here awhile?" I asked

"Yeah, you know where your room is at, I will see you in the morning goodnight" she smiled 

"Night" I said before walking to my room as soon as I hit the pillow I passed out. 


Thanks for reading 



-Morgan :)

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