I can't wait to see Kayla

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“SAGE, WAKE UP” Darren yelled

“No, I like sleep!” I yelled back

“Your going to be late for training”

“So what, I am still a rock star I got my rock moves and I don’t need you” I sung p!nk's song so what.

“get up or I will get you up” I ignored his threat. With in second I was flipped over his shoulder and was being carried some where.

“Now you will train in your pajamas”

“OH boy, I so excited” I said rolling my eyes

“Well you will fight your way to the top ok” I nodded “May your first” a girl my age walked out of the line she had braces and glasses and a ton of acne. I am giving her a make over I use to look like that but now I have contacts and I got my braces removed and I discovered acne cream.

“May are you ready?” she nodded “Sage you ready” I nodded “Go” she charged at me and I move just as she started to jump. I then pined her

“Good job Sage, Marry-Ella your next” she charged at me too I pinned her quickly too.

“Darren can I get a challenge these little girls I can take in my sleep”

“Yeah, but I want you to meet Ashley. Ashley step forward” out of nowhere he just kissed me as the Ashley chick stepped out.

“Go” she slowly walked to me and punched me right in the stomach. I fell to the ground she pulled my up by my hair I kicked her in the stomach she flew a couple feet. I ran and picked her up by her neck

“Want to give up so I don’t have to put you in any more pain?” I asked

“Over my dead body” she smirked

“Honey, that can be arranged” I smiled slamming her on the ground. She started to gasp for air I then pinned her and won. I walked back to the pack house to take a shower. I cleaned my self of the dirt I then walked out of the shower. I ran to my room all I had was the dress from yesterday clean I slipped that on and walked to the kitchen. I dug thought the cabinets looking for food. All I found was healthy food witch was not what I wanted when I finally gave up looking for junk food I found a fruit bar. I hopped on the counter and ate it. That fruit bar was the best thing I have ever eaten.

“Hey, Sage” some one said and I jumped I then fell off the counter.

“Ouch” I yelled I had slammed my head on the ground.

“Sorry for scaring you” Henry said I had finally mad out the voice

“it’s ok, I will be fine”

“So why are you up so early?” he asked

“Well you see I just love the early morning sun and hearing the birds sing” I smiled “No, the real reason is because Darren said today was training day and picked me up and carried me to training. Why are you up so early?”

“I am a vampire I don’t sleep” he grinned

“How do you become a vampire?” I asked him

“Well for you it was passed down for generation to generation, for me I was bitten”

“Who bit you? No, I want to know every thing.”

“Ok, I was in the civil war and I was on the edge of death I was bleeding out. Then a beautiful pale women found me and bit me but I didn’t see or feel it because I passed out right before she bit me. We then traveled the world together I thought we were in love. Then she left me for another, I when on a killing frenzy and killed them both. I not to proud of it but I am not going to lie about my past.” he stated

“Wow, I am sorry” I said as I hugged him, He pulled away

“I’m not, I found my soul mate I am happy” he smile and ran from me. I was really confuse why he left if he was happy he found me.

“SAGE,GET HERE, NOW” Darren yelled I hate when he yells at me. I really can’t wait for Kayla come a clam him down.

“Why” I winced

“Because your not done with training” I laughed

“I am too, I not going back today, I need to go see my sister NOW”

“Fine, Victor and Henry will take you because Kayla is Henry’s mate” I smiled

“Great, my sister get’s a nice mate and her sister back what do I get? kidnapped and a jerk. Oh that Ashley was your ex-girlfriend right.” he nodded “if I see you with her again I will personally kill her so tell her that before I get back because I don’t have time for games” I really just told him that so when we come back with Kayla if he cheats on her with Ashley I can just kill her. I really don’t like her but if he dose cheat with any other girl her day will be limited. My thoughts were interrupted when Victor started calling my name

“Sage, Sage, any one home?” I shook my head

“Yeah, are you ready you go?” I asked

“Yeah, I just have to go find Henry, ok” I nodded

“Victor, I will help you look for him” I called he just nodded. I stood there very quietly and I heard water, rushing water. I quickly ran to it, it was so beautiful. I then heard sobs coming from behind the waterfall I walked that way then I heard Victor voice.

“It’s ok Henry, she will love you back I know Sage you’re her dream guy”

“But I don’t think she dose” he sobbed loudly

“If Sage didn’t like you she would treat you like she treats Darren” he laughed. I smiled I really hated Darren with a passion

“Now come on you get to spend all day with her and Kayla” I quickly sped away without a sound. Victor came by the car we were going to take to go see Kayla.

“Victor, I looked all over and I couldn’t find him” he smiled and Henry turn the corner “Looks like you found him” I smiled

“Let’s go see Kayla” Victor said.


update dates: every weekend to every other weekend (there might be surprise updates during the week but I make no promise for those)

see you soon my darlings :)  

Thanks for reading



-Morgan :)  

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