The Castle Tour

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When we arrived at my mothers house I was ready for what I was about to do. I jumped out of the car and slowly walked to the door and my mother was standing at the door smiling.

“Sage, darling, welcome come to your new home for the next couple days”

“Thank you, I hope it’s ok I brought my mate Henry with me” I smiled as Henry walked into the creepy black castle.

“It’s ok I will fix another room for him or will he be staying with you?” she looked at him for an awswer but I spoke up first

“He will be staying with me, if that’s ok with you” he looked at me like I was crazy. I didn’t care I need to make sure he knew my plan.

“It’s fine with me, follow me I will show your room” she smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me down a dark hallway. I could see my night vision kicked in and I saw every thing clear as day. She pulled me into a huge bright room

“This room is for you guys to share. Sage, there are clothes in the closet for you. I f you want them but anyways your other clothes will be brought in and put away soon” she smiled then left me and Henry to take in the lovely room.

“Henry, isn’t this room so perfect?” I asked, he nodded “you look upset what’s wrong? Are you ok?”

“Nothings wrong I am fine” I gave him a look “I promise I am fine”

“Good we’re here for a reason and I don’t want any one to know so have to promise to not tell any one not even Victor”

“I promise” I stuck out my pinky and he wrapped his pinky around me and pinky promise he would not tell anyone

“Ok, so I am going to get as much information on her and the vampires as possible so I can tell Dave and Darren so if there is a war the information I get will help them” I whispered in his ear

“So this is all just to spy on her?” he asked

“Yup, I have to goi have my work cut out for me but I will get it done” I said leaving. I when to find my mother to get a tour of the castle I found her talking to Vance.

“Excuse me, umm could you show me around?” I asked her

“No, I can’t but he will” she pointed to a guard

“Ok, lets go I would like to know how to get around” I smiled as the guard pulled me away.

“Well you have seen the throne room and your room so let’s go to the library then we will got to the kitchen and finally we will go to the garden” he smiled.

“Ok, were off the library” I smiled and followed him into a couple of dark hallways. Then we arrived to the library, it was huge with so many books.

“This is the library it has every book you could imagine” he told me

“Wow, I know where I will be the hole time I am here” I smiled trying to fool him.

“Ok, well know you have seen the library let us go to the kitchen” I followed him to the kitchen. It was an pretty nice size kitchen I love it, it was perfect for cooking.

“I love this kitchen it’s perfect for cooking and family meals” he chuckled

“Honey, we don’t eat of have family meals” my mother said as she walked in to the kitchen. I hung my head I felt stupid

“Sorry, it would be perfect for family meals and cooking” I said

“I was just about to take her to the garden, if you would like to just take her” he said to my mother.

“Yes I will take her you may go back to your post” she then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the garden. There garden was all black flower I didn’t like that it need to more bright there.

“Tomorrow you will meet the commoners and explorer the village before I announce you’re here so you can meet the people” she smiled

“I hope the people are nice” I said all happily

“Well go get some sleep now so you can go sooner than later” she said pushing me to my room. When I got there I need to talk to Henry

“Hey, I get to go in the village tomorrow. You want to go with me?” I asked

“Yeah, I would love to. Where the bathroom?” he asked

“Across the hall I am going to sleep see you in the morning." I said as he walked out the door


thanks for reading



-Morgan :)  

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