An eventful day

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"Sage, get up time for school" my mom called. I fell off my bed I picked my self off the floor and walked to my bathroom. I showered then ran back to my room. I actually missed having to make sure Victor wasn't going to rip my towel off. I really just missed him. I will see him tomorrow because he gets out then. The last time I saw him it was thought bullet proof glass and the judge only let us go because it was Christmas. I got dressed in a baggy shirt and huge sweats. Today is Friday, thank god the week is over I really need the weekend to sleep, hang out with Victor if he not to busy, and try to found out who D was.

"Sage, come on your going to be late." I grabbed my brush and bushed my hair as I ran down the stairs.

"Love you guys, bye" I hugged them and left. I walked to my car there was another letter


I love the butterfly tattoo that's says Sage and Kayla . I'm still coming to get you what ever you do be smart keep your door locked and your windows too. Have fun my love


This D guy was really getting on my nerves because I was scared he knew I had a butterfly tattoo, I wonder how he knows that? I got to school trying not to focus on that I hopped out of my car with a fake smile.

"Kayla" I yelled waving my hands. She hopped of the stairs in front of the school and ran to me. I was tackled to the ground by Kayla's hug I got up off the ground and walked towards the school.

"Cosland, tomorrow your brother gets out, right?" I tall, hot guy he had gorgeous sea green eyes and black hair it was so luscious it was spiked up. He was probable a athlete he had a six pack and a huge grope of friends. "Who are you? And why do you care about my brother?" I asked

"I'm Eric and Victor is my friend. He has been writing me since he got locked up" the guy explained

"Vic couldn't talk to any from the outside world"

"Well I was there to so friend from lock up could still talk even if they get out" he smiled. I nodded

"He get's out tomorrow, nice meeting you Eric" I said as I pulled drolling Kayla towards first hour. She was still in la la land drooling over Eric.

"Kayla he wasn't even that hot . Stop drooling please it gross" I stated. She didn't pay addition to me so I gave up I put my head down and fell asleep. The bell rang I woke up and grabbed the un finished paper I had I shoved it in my bag a left class. I made it to lunch with out talking to any one ever since Kayla wouldn't talk to me. Some one grabbed my arm and dragged me into a empty class room. It was dark so I couldn't see.

"Miss me much" the voice said. Then he turned the light on it was Toni

"I thought you were Victor, your mean you go me all happy for nothing" I teased.

"Wow I am hurt, I guess I nothing" he acted hurt

"No, you something alright. Ok, so what did you want?"

"So Eric gave me this letter to give to you that he found in his locker today after he talked to you." he handed me the letter then left the empty room. The letter read

'I don't know your name but don't mess with my girl. Sage is mine back off now. Don't even talk to her I am everywhere


Now he sending letters to Eric I don't even know him and he might tell my brother oh God my brother. This has to stop before my brother finds out and I get lectured on how I should of when tot the cops earlier. I shoved he letter in my bag and walked to the cafeteria. I searched for Eric when my eyes landed on him I walked to him.

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