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So wolf Kayla told me to hind then talk to you I think she took a leap into the deep end what do you think

Well she told you to hid because you real mate is looking for you aka searching this hold house for you but if you don't move now he will find you. But I would suggest you run.

I think I might just do that

I jumped off the ground and hopped out the window and climbed down the side of the house and started to run

Hey Kayla I am going to hide love you bye

Sage leaving was a trap because he has both packs after you


He is your real mate

I don't have one I am a vampire

Then just run as fast as you can and I come get you when they leave where are you going

Far side of the land behind the waterfall

I ran there and when I arrived I just sat there for a while with my eyes closed. Then I opened them and there was a guy about twenty was standing in front of me.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I asked

"No, I just want you to stay here" I shrugged and walked passed him. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back.

"No, you can't leave until he come to get you" I hopped on the ground and just stayed there

Kayla help there a guy holding me here

Where Sage?

The waterfall

Oh crap


You are in for it now

In for what

He left for the waterfall like ten minuets ago it takes like fifteen to get there

Well what should I do

I don't know but you have like five minutes to do it

Can they hear us

If you don't have up blocks only your mate and can hear you

I am done with all this mate stuff can I give mate back?

Honey you just are starting to get in it's like sinking sand there's no way out


I tried my best to get this guy to let me go I pulled and pushed I even told him I was a vampire and I would bit him. This guy was not afraid of me but when I saw to wolf come over he started to shake. The wolf when a way for like two minutes then they came back. One was Darren and the other was his brother I guessed the brother had sage eyes and brown hair he was very professional looking and scary but he was attractive but the scariness was what stood out the most.

"Hey, Darren you mind telling this idiot here that I live here and he should let me go Kayla needs me" I asked

"Well, I can't he not one of my guys he is one of my brother's" he said pointing to the man standing next to him.

"Hello, Douche bags brother would you like to tell him to let me go" I asked

"No, I told him to get you" he said

"Daniel, she has a short temper you might want to let her go" Darren said

"Yeah Daniel let me go" I agree with Darren

"No, I will keep her. Hey what is your name" he said I rolled my eyes

"I won't tell you so hey you will work" I angry and sad that I didn't know what to do then I heard it *crack, crack* then my body started to hurt and I felt like my bones were shattering.

"Move, she changing "Darren yelled. my body was still in pain but I was so confused I didn't pay to much attention. Next thing I know that guy isn't holding me. I got up an ran as fast as I could but I didn't fell in control I felt like my wolf was.

That's because I am and your in your wolf form

Sweet, what color am I?

White, the white wolfs are the strongest and fastest and have the most power. White wolf were destined to be Alpha's but the white wolf is very rare and never want to be an wolf or an Alpha so they turn to rouges and leave there packs and live normal life's . Black wolf are alpha's now a black wolf will never be able to out run you or have more strength than you even a guy

Wow, that's cool are they going to chase us?

Yeah but they won't be able to get us but I know you want to go see Kayla so we will go back in ten minutes to lead them away of where were going

Is Kayla a white wolf too?

No she is a black wolf

What should I call you because my wolf sound possessive

I don't have a name if you want to give me on I am cool with that

I want you to chose it so you like it

Then I like Shay

Then Shay it shall be


thanks for reading



-Morgan :)  

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