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It's been months since the accident. Frank and his band have become a little more popular and have gone on tour.

Mikey came out as gay and hasn't come home since the accident because he's living with his boyfriend now, who also happens to be in a band and is on tour.

And I'm at home alone. No parents, no school, no Frank and no Mikey. Bob and Ray haven't see me since my last day at school.

My mental health has slightly gotten better but I still self harm, drink and smoke. I promised Frank that I wouldn't kill myself while he is away. He calls me 5 times a day to check up on me, which I'm grateful for because it's the only reason I wake up in a morning.

He comes back tomorrow, the house is a mess... full of empty alcohol bottles, cigarette packets, bloody blades, dirty clothes, vomit, dirty dishes and gone off food.

Today I plan on cleaning the whole house. Frank is moving in very soon, his parents just need to sign some papers confirming his movement. Once they have been sent, we can start transferring all His stuff over to mine.

After he is settled in tomorrow, we can start re decorating because this house gives me bad memories.


A few hours into cleaning and I stumble on an old picture, it was of me and Frankie as kids at our tree. I dig through an old box and pull out a picture frame to put it in and placed it on the kitchen side.

After completely cleaning the whole house,I decided I wanted to do something nice for Frankie. I baked some weed brownies and wrote him a little love letter.

I placed the brownies in a tub and put the letter on top, I left them on the kitchen side at around 6pm and started making myself some food and a tea.

Tidying made me feel so refreshed and normal, I haven't felt this good in ages.

My parents were rich, they didnt like showing it hence why we had a small normal house in a normal area. They kept all their money in a safe in our baseme- WAIT! It's all still there!

With this money, I could buy a bunch of music equipment for Frank.

I grab the code from the fridge and run down to the basement. I put the code in and open the safe. It was filled to the brim with money... obviously I need to give some to Mikey.

The door slammed upstairs causing me to start having a heart attack, my whole body was shaking.

I close the safe and cautiously make my way up the stairs. Frank wouldn't be home would he? He's coming back tomorrow??

Cutting Edge (Frerard) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora