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♾Frank's P.O.V♾

Gerard. He's the only thing on my mind. Yeah I'm excited about my guitar but I'm more excited about the fact I think Gee is slightly crushing on me.

I was playing my new guitar earlier and he stared at me as if I was a God. His eyes were as beautiful as ever, his lips.., his crimson red che-

Stop falling in love Frank.

He probably just admired my guitar skills, he loves Bob. Not me.

He left at around 9pm because he was extremely tired, however I wasn't tired in the slightest. I couldn't sleep. I had Gerard on mind.

Gerard. Omg his eyes. Fuck, stop Frank!

I can't stand these feelings. They're killing me. I'm not gay I'm straight I swear.

He is so beautiful.

I spent the rest of the night writing a song about him. Sad I know. But it's the only way I can share my feelings without telling anyone.

I should be in a band. Maybe? I don't know I'm not that talented.

4am... I need sleep. But instead I decided to spam Gerard with stupid messages like "fuck me, you're beautiful. Sorry my cat took my phone". I feel stupid now.

My anxiety got worse everything I thought about going to school tomorrow and seeing Gee, he might've just been really happy today.

He doesn't like me the same way.

Not in a million years that boy would like me.

He has standards and I do not match then at all.

Is he even gay? Or bi? I'm so confused.

Eventually I decided that I needed sleeping pills so bam! I took them and passed the fuck out.

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