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♾Frank's P.O.V♾

My friends don't know that I self harm, they know about the drugs because we all do them. Gerard rarely would because he said he doesn't want to get addicted.

Yeah I have friends, surprising i must admit. Ray, Bob, Mikey and Gerard.

I feel like Bob and Gerard have feelings for eachother. Then I'm here being lonely as fuck.

I turn to Gerard and see him drawing. The things he were drawing caught my attention. "Um.. Gee, why are you drawing that?"

He didn't reply, did I annoy him?

"Gee stop fucking about I'm genuinely concerned"

He slammed his book shut. "You wouldn't understand". That sentence made me furious.

"Wouldn't understand what Gee!? That you're 'suicidal' and 'depressed'!?" He shook his head "it's not like that, just want to try something new"

I hit my desk to try calm myself down.  I didn't over react, don't think I did okay. If you was in my position, had anger issues, is suicidal and depressed you would not have kept quiet about this situation.

I felt like my friend was wanting attention from mental illnesses. But that's just a feeling. He could genuinely be depressed and suicidal out of no where.

Maybe he just wanted to be like Bob. Seen as they love eachother that much they may as well be one another. Uhg fuck this.

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