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♾Frank's P.O.V♾

He hardly drank any Vodka. Instead he downed a bottle of Gin. I made sure to take the high percentage drinks from the store to make sure we got pissed.

Originally the plan was for me to get pissed when he left but I felt bad if I was to not share. Good thing I had about 7 bottles.

I stood up and undid my tie. Mainly because it was irritating me. My first instinct was to push Gerard and straddle him until he kissed me, But I just kissed him instead.

This led to him straddling me as we made out drunk as fuck on my bed. Luckily my parents were at work so we had the house to ourselves.

My phone started to ring but I ignored it because I had priorities.

The number called for around an hour so I got off Gee and decided to answer it.

"Yo. Frank? Is Gee there?" It was Mikey "yeaaa-h, he's.. a bit upset ri-ght.. now.." I heard him sigh. "He'll.. be fine Mikes, d-dont worry" I hung up and got back on Gerard.

"I love you"

We continued to kiss. I tend to get suicidal as fuck when I'm drunk, so this was going to be an emotional ride.

We pulled away to chug more and more alcohol. Every 30 mins it would happen. 

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