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♾Frank's P.O.V♾

I struggled to get out of his grip as we were both in tears. "Get off me Gee! I need to fucking die!" He cried more and tightened his grip.

"Get the fuck off me!" I screamed trying to push him off me once again, my body was weak due to lack of food still...

Why was he doing this, why did he want to stop it. Did he want me to live longer in this hell?

"No. Frankie I fucking love you okay don't be like this!" the pain in his voice was unbarable.

"You're everything I have!" My heart dropped, my eyes started flooding. What the fuck am I doing!?

I relaxed my body so I was no longer resisting. Our bodies were soaked from the rain.

"For the last time Gee, get the fuck off me" anger filled my body as he got off me.

I jumped up and instantly punched the tree relieving all my anger.

I'm a failure, I failed. I failed at the simple task of suicide all because of the guy who made me suicidal.

I swung my bag on my back and pushed past Gee and headed for the main road so I could go home to try again.

"Bert is probably missing you, go home to him. Fuck his life up instead of mine!" I yelled as I got further away.

I always have the option of over dosing.

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