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I was running, my mind taking me places instead of my feet.
I knew were Frank was.

+10 years ago+

Frank carried me on his back as I held a stick like a sword over my head.

"I'm a knight! Fear meee!" I bellowed out just as Frank dropped me, he stood tall and screamed "I'm a dragon!"
"You're just a meanie, my butt's all dirty now!"


We spent our childhoods in those woods, drinking smoking and being children.

We spent countless hours talking while we're were high and pissed, it was where me and him ran away to if things got too much.

My legs, fueled my my brains desire to stop whatever was happening, carried me to our circle of trees, each one had different sets of carvings.

Seeing Frank, I hid. Waiting to see what he was doing. He put down his bag and pulled out a long rope.

I was waiting until he began to tie the knot, As soon as he did I shot over to him, tackling him and pinning his wrists down so he couldn't attempt to hit me.

He yelled and fought me, kicking my back which didn't help my developing scoliosis but I didn't care right now.

I shushed him, all of my words fumbling out. Apology after apology, tear after tear. 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so so so fucking sorry I love you please, please don't leave me!"

My tears dripped on his face and mixed with his own, the small spatter of rain that began earlier started to pour heavier.

I stood up, twisting my hands into my soaking hair.

"I just gave up, I don't know why. I'm so sorry about what I said it was a mistake. I hate him and I hate myself for what I did. I'm so, so sorry Frank. Please forgive me!"

I paused, wiping my eyes.


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