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♾Frank's P.O.V♾

It's time. For my clothes. To be removed.

I remove all of my clothes and stood butt naked while downing half a bottle of JD.

No one was looking at me until I tripped over Gerard's shoe that he had thrown a few minutes ago.

Gerard stared at me, mainly at my dick though. He looked at my whole body, my scarred as fuck body, he looked traumatised...

I stumbled over to shirtless ray and we decided to do the can-can. Eventually everyone was partly naked doing the can-can.

"Come ...here ..Bob!" Gerard slurred as he was stumbling away to the sofa. Bob gracefully tripped over a vodka bottle trying to get to Gerard.

He eventually got there. "Give me.. a kissss..!!" The room fell silent. But because of the fact, we are all Pissed, it didn't last for long.

Gerard and Bob started making out on the sofa as me and ray rubbed our shirtless greasy bodies together.

"This is ..gayyyyyy" everyone's words were slurred at this point, nobody could walk perfectly fine, we certainly couldn't think fine either.

I made my way to Gerard and Bob and pulled Bob off Gerard "He's.. MINE... go get ray..." Bob looked terrified and rolled over to Ray, rolling over bottles on his way.

I straddled Gerard, I'm butt naked but he is shirtless. "I love you frankie... always have.." with that, he pressed his lips against mine and for hours on end this is all that happened. I think?

I'm not too sure what else happened, I don't know what Ray and Bob did. The whole night is just a blur now...

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