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After Frank explained what happened, I sat awake the entire night. Scared of everything.

What the fuck am I going to do.
I loved my parents so much and now they're gone and I took for granted their lives.

I felt as if the world was testing me, or pushing me.

Pushing me to the edge of sanity.


Frank stayed at my house for a while after everything calmed down. Ignoring his band so he could care for me and my declining mental health.

This past week he's stopped me killing myself more times than I can remember. He really is the reason I'm alive.
I've been writing more, songs and shit and leave them around my room in screwed up balls and Frank would find them and tell me to try and fit a rhythm to it.

He was the only person who had ever complemented me on things other than my drawings.

Everything had changed in such a small amount of time and I really didn't know how to keep coping. Mikey had been staying at some random guys house, I believe his name is Peter.. Maybe Pete.  I've met him before though and he does seem like a nice guy. Very nice towards Mikey.

But nevertheless I'm here, with the one of the only people I love dearly. Crying my heart out on his bony shoulders as he patted my back and rolled me a joint.

At least I had by subtle addictions to soothe me.

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