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"Waking up is painful!"

I shout to everyone, waking up the sleeping Frank on my chest.

"Shush.. I might die if so much as move.."
Frank said wrapping his arms around my back and snuggling more into my chest.

"Anyone remember what happened last night?" Ray asked, picking up the pile of mangled clothes' "it might help explain why we were all naked?.."

I looked down and, sure enough, me and Frank were completely naked. Each of our chests covered in hickeys.

Both of out bodies.. littered with cuts..
Don't think about that, later Gerard, later.


We all got dressed and took the small amount of remaining alcohol and helped Frank hide it.

I'm definitely doing this again.

"Bob? You're quiet.." I mentioned.

He squealed, " All of us kissed at least one person last night, Me and Ray, You and Frank. We are all, so, so fucking gay."

"You sure you're not still a little bit drunk, maybe stoned? " Frank laughed and pulled on his Jacket after reluctantly getting up. I saw him look at his body with resent and hate before he got fully dressed though, it stung to think about.

"Probabllllyyyyy..." ah, Bob. Such a lightweight.

Frank came to sit back down with me and brought my clothes with him, he placed his hand on my thigh delicately brushing over the scabs. I can't believe I said he didn't understand. He's been doing it.. everywhere.. for a long time.

I'm such an idiot.
I sat up and gave him a hug, my hair tickling his face.

At least I can make him laugh.

I love his Laugh and his smile..
I love a lot about him.
I really lik- love him in general.
He's perfect.

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