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♾Frank's P.O.V♾

I woke up to Gee clinging to me as if I was a comfort teddy. We were both awake but no one spoke.


"Why? Why was you with Bert." He sighed and rolled onto his side so he wasn't facing me anymore. "He save-" "he raped you... he left you for dead and I'm the one that helped Gee. Why push me away?"

I felt a tear drip onto my had which was placed below his face. "Don't cry Gee please" as he wiped the tear we heard a crash coming from the living room.

"Shit. Stay here" I pulled myself out of bed and rushed into Mikey's room to check if he was okay, he was sound asleep.

He had a baseball bat next to his bed so I gripped it as right as I could and made my way down the stairs.

"Right, who the fuck is there because you better make your presence fucking clear. We can do this the easy way or the hard way." The floorboards creaked.

No response. "The hard way then.." no hesitation in my voice.

Noise was coming from the kitchen, so that's the way my little legs took me.

Bert. What a surprise.

"You chose the hard way... I guess I have no choice other than to beat you to death." I growled getting angrier.

He threw a punch and completely missed me. "You don't deserve him! You're abusive!.." with that said, I grabbed his wrist and twisted it back. Causing his bone to break. "Argh!" He winced in pain and fell onto his knees griping his wrist.

"If I ever see you again, worse will happen. To you, and your family." My knee clashed with his stomach.

"Now get the fuck out of this house before i call the cops!"

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