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I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself.

I'm a filthy, wretched little whore.
And I'm letting it happen.

Bert wanted me to stay off school, so I did. Bert wanted me to dress like a girl, so I did. Bert did so many thing to me, so I sat and took it. This had been happening two days, two fucking days and I was already covered in wounds a dead man would have.

One person had been on my mind through all of this, Frank. I wondered how much more destroyed his body was, how much more weight he was losing.

I don't care about how I weighed 46 kg. I wanted him to be okay.

 "Sugar?.." Bert said, whispering huskly into my ear.  "You okay baby?"

"Y-y-ye-yes." I stuttered weakly, I'm so weak.

"Stop talking like you have fucking problems, it's a real turn off. As soon as possible you're going back to your house. I can't stand the sight of you, whore."

"B-b-but.." I can't go home.  I'm covered head to toe in bruises and cuts self inflicted and not.

I could go and find Frank. I could go to his house. I need to know if he's okay.

"Talking back to me?!" He screamed.

"No! I'm sorry!" Pathetic.

"You better be, pass me my belt sweetheart. Your back needs some more marks."


I'm so tired. I've been used more times than anyone should be, one is bad enough. Bert kicked me out, he couldn't stand the sight of me, I can't stand the sight of me anymore.

I ran down the street crying, tears streaming down by bruised face. It hurt. So much.

I managed to snag my phone off of Bert before he made me leave, so I called Frank. No answer, again. Nothing.

Fuck, Something isn't right.

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