38 (Triggering for some)

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All people do us use me up, hurt me and make me want to fucking kill myself!

You know what? I might as well just fucking do it.

Frank has his other boyfriends. He can fuck with them! I give up.

I held a suicidal conversation in my head that lasted hours. I decided fuck it, I'll do it.

I reached for my phone and left a voicemail for Frank and Mikey.

"I'm sorry, I love you."

I left the house and began the long walk to the Belleville Bridges. I can jump.


Getting there my anxiety raced, the thought of all of this going away was.. finally in reach.

I sat on the bar, stopping people falling. I took a deep breath and stood there for a good few minutes.

"FUCK THIS." I screamed and tried to throw myself off before a strong firm grip held me back.

I turned, floods of tears staining my face.

"LET ME GO!" I yelled at them, my tears blurring all of my vision. I didn't need this!

The person pulled me in, their strong arms holding me tight in a hug.

I looked up once my screams and tears had faded.


He cared.
He cared enough to stop me.

Fuck you Frank Iero. I now have someone so, so much more willing.

That's wrong, that's wrong I'm lying to myse-

No. I need Bert now.

Fuck my life.

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