The Saviour

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5 days later

It's just another ordinary day for Jungkook as he was sitting in his office working on his computer. Suddenly he receives a message on his phone.
He received some pictures which shows Lisa tied up on a chair with cuts and bruises all over her body and face. His eyes widened in disbelief. His hand balled into a fist almost ready to hit something. His blood getting boiled in anger. His veins popping out. He just wanted to kill the person who did this to her.
Suddenly he receives a call from unknown number. He picked it up.

" Like what you saw?" The voice asked in an evil sadistic way.
" You son of a bitch , who are you? And how dare yo-" Jungkook exclaimed in anger but he was cut off by the voice.
" Now now , don't let anger get the best of you." The voice added chuckling.
" Who's speaking?" Jungkook demanded in anger.
" I can't believe you forgot me so quickly. It's Kim Hanbin." He uttered annoyingly

" What? You? Are you crazy? How can you do something like this to you're own-" Jungkook uttered in disbelief but got cut off by Hanbin again.
" You'll know soon enough why I did all this. For now , her life depends on you're choice of words. So I must tell you to be careful while talking" He said.

" What do you want?" Jungkook asked in frustration.
" Hehehe. Now that's what I want to hear. For a man who is so egoistic , it's nice to see you realize you're place in this situation. I appreciate it." He said with a chuckle.
" You destroyed my life Jungkook. You took everything away from me. Now I'm going to take everything away from you. But before that happens , I want to know something from you." He added further.
" What you want to know?" Jungkook asked in confusion.

" I want you to answer me honestly. Do you really love Lisa?" He asked.

Jungkook gave that thought some time. Deep down even though he knew he couldn't have her , he still loves and cares for her and will always be doing that for her.
" So? Do you?" Hanbin asked again.

" Yes I do." Jungkook replied.
" Good." He uttered with an evil grin.
" Killing her in front of you will be more fun now." He said laughing devilishly.
" Don't you dare touch her you sick bast-" Jungkook uttered in angrily but got cut off by Hanbin.

" You talk to me like that again one more time , and I will slit her throat right here right now. You hearing me?" Hanbin uttered cockily shutting off Jungkook.
" You're a sick man. You're a psychopath. You need help. Just let her go damnit." Jungkook uttered in anger.
" I prefer to call myself a genius. A visionary." Hanbin replied cockily.
" Whatever." Jungkook uttered rolling his eyes at his reply.
" Now listen carefully lover boy. I'm going to call you again , telling you how you can reach you're Lisa. In the meantime , since I'm a nice man , I'm going to let you talk to her." He said.
He put the phone near Lisa's mouth.
" Talk to him."

" J-Jungkook?" She uttered in a low voice.
" Lisa? Lisa are you alright?" He asked concerned.
" Jungkook..... Please...... Help me." She cried for help in her low and barely audible voice.
" Don't worry Lisa. I'll save you. I promise you I won't let-" Jungkook was again cut off in between by Hanbin.
" Sorry. Time's up." He replied simply.
" I'll be calling you later. And one more thing , come alone , otherwise it won't be very good for you're precious Lisa." He said with an evil laugh.
" I swear. If you lay a finger on her-" Jungkook got cut off again.

" Or what? You can't do anything right now Jungkook. When you will understand? You're not the in charge here. I AM. You don't hold any type of authority in this situation. I DO. I think you won't understand the situation unless you see the consequences." Hanbin said angrily. He put the phone near Lisa and himself.

" I'm sorry baby. But it looks like you're lover here doesn't seem to understand the situation here. Let's give his mind some shock so that he comes to his senses. Shall we?" Hanbin uttered with an evil grin on his face holding two electric wires.

Soon the room filled with screams of Lisa crying for help. She was getting electrocuted badly. Her voice echoed in the whole room. It can even be heard clearly on the call to Jungkook as well. His eyes grew in disbelief on what he was listening.
"STOP!!! JUST STOP. PLEASE!!!" he barked at Hanbin pleading him to stop.
" Aaaah.... There it is. I can't tell you how much fun it is hearing you beg. It just makes me happy. It's like music to my ears." He said with a chuckle.
" Please just don't hurt her." He uttered with teary eyes.
" I'll be calling you. Now no more stupid heroics coming from you. Pickup my call or else.... She'll die. And it'll be on you're head. You will responsible for her death. Understand?" Hanbin asked.
" I understand." Jungkook replied affirmatively.
The call disconnected.

Jungkook felt so helpless in the whole situation. All this time he wanted to stay away from her , to keep her safe. But instead she is suffering because of him. Fate really was playing some game with these two. Everytime they try to stay away from each other , fate always bring them together somehow.

After few hours , Jungkook gets a call from an unknown number. He immediately picked it up.

" Hello?" He said.
" There's a car parked outside the building. Take the keys from the reception and drive to this location." A stranger gave the details and cut the phone without listening anything from Jungkook.

Jungkook did exactly what he was told. He drove to the location. After he reached , he got another call from a different number.
" There's another car parked near you're location. Drive it to the location I'm telling you. Don't worry. The car is unlocked." The call was cut.
Jungkook had no option. He could only follow that lunatic Hanbin's orders. He drove the car  to the said location.
Another call came in. This time from another unknown number. " There's another car parked near you. Drive it to this location."

He kept on repeating this. Until a final call came to him. " Now a man is approaching  you. He'll hand you a drink. Drink it." The call disconnected.
What in the world is on this guy's mind? Jungkook thought in his mind.

Like it was told , a man approached the vehicle in which he's sitting and handed him a drink in a glass. He drank it and after few moments , his vision started getting blurred , he felt dizzy and he passed out. 

When he woke up , he found his hands tied up together behind a chair and was inside an abandoned warehouse. He looked around observing the old rusty machines which were shut down for years , walls having cracks and scraped off paint. He eventually turned his gaze towards a figure which seemed somewhat familiar to him.
It's Lisa.

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