The letter

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" What ? A letter ?"

Jungkook uttered in surprise as this was unexpected for him. He didn't expect that after all this time he would receive some sort of a message from Lisa since he thought that it was over between them after that day. But the situation seemed a bit different by the looks of it.

" Yeah. She told me to give it to you." He said.

Jungkook took the letter in his hands from Jin and having thoughts on whether he  should open it or not.
He was still obsessed over her but he also thought it was over between them after that day so he also thought that opening this might be of no use. So he was having a battle of choices inside his mind.

" Will you open it or not?"
He asked shaking Jungkook after seeing him lost in his own world confused.
" Yeah yeah I'll open it." He replied to Jin and decided to open the letter she had written for him.


I was having a lot of thoughts and I was confused about whether I should write this letter or not. I'm sure you're also having thoughts on why did I wrote this letter to you. Since I am leaving the town now I decided to write this to you because you deserved an explanation for a long time and also because I don't know if I would get any other chance to tell you this or not.

So here goes, I said I don't love you that day because of my father,  he doesn't want me to be in a relationship with anyone, he wanted me to focus only on my studies so that in future I will be able to run his company which I have no desire to do. I thought by doing what I did , it'd help me move on from you. I thought that I'd eventually forget about you and my feelings for you would be over. But if I'm being honest , they never did. I still had feelings for you after that day. I still do. I still love you. You're an amazing person and I wish I could be with you. But I can't because my family gets affected by this decision. I hope you understand now. Goodbye.


Jungkook read the whole letter and both him and Jin were startled by what she had written in that letter.
" That must be a tough decision for her to take." Jin replied after reading the letter.

Jungkook wasn't listening to what Jin was saying to him after he read the letter. He was having a rush of emotions inside him. All those feelings he felt when he saw Lisa for the first time , which he buried deep inside him for such a long time after that day just got ignited again.

Jin seeing Jungkook wandering around in his own thoughts again tried to bring him back by shaking him. " Kookie are you okay?" Jin asked.

" Yeah hyung. It's just hard to believe for me as well." He replied back.
" After all this time. She really liked me. But she couldn't confess it." He replied further with angered expression almost about to shed a tear but he held himself together.

" Yeah. She really loves you." Jin replied.
" Who's her father?" Jungkook asked Jin curiously.

"I think she mentioned the name of her stepfather before when we met her." He said while rubbing his temple trying to remember.

" I remember now. It's Yang hyun suk." Jin replied after trying to remember the name.
" Oh. I think I heard that name before." Jungkook replied suspiciously rubbing his temple.
" Yeah. He's the owner of the YG Enterprises. One of the biggest companies in Korea." Jin replied answering Jungkook.

" Oh really? I never thought he was her stepfather." He replied surprised.
" He's a very powerful man. I don't think there's anything anyone can do. Her decision seems kind of justified." Jin explained.
" It's difficult to oppose such a powerful man like him. Specially when he's you're father." He added further.

"Hmm." Jungkook nodded in agreement.

After that both Jin and Jungkook talked for a while trying to catch up with each other and later greeted each other. Jin left for his home after the meet and Jungkook was left alone once again in his home.

In the night , he couldn't get any sleep. He was constantly thinking about the letter that he read today After reading that , he wanted to meet Lisa badly now. After knowing that she actually loves him , he just wanted to meet her and tell her in person how he is feeling after reading that letter. With these thoughts in mind , he eventually goes to sleep. In the morning , he woke up early and started packing up his stuff. Whatever he can pack as quickly as possible. Clothes , money , and all other necessities etc.

He decided that he's going to leave the town for good. But was it really a good decision by him?

He took a cab to the airport and bought the ticket for the earliest flight from Busan to Seoul as He decided to go to Seoul and meet Lisa.

He just wants to be with her badly. He was just too much obsessed with her. Even more now since he realized that Lisa also loved him all along as well. He was so much obsessed with this thought that he didn't even thought this decision through properly or took some advice from his hyungs or anyone regarding it. He didn't thought for a second what type of consequences he might have to face in the future.

As soon as it was time for the flight , he boarded the plane and left for Seoul.

Somewhere else a person was sitting in the airport talking to someone on his phone observing the whole situation.
" What's the status?"
" He has boarded the plane and left for Seoul."
"Good. Everything is going as expected."
" Yes Sir. Soon he'll be in Seoul ."
" Proceed to the next part of the plan."
" Yes Sir."

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