Strange Strings

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Unknown POV

Humans say what if the cure for cancer is stuck in a kid's brain that can't afford school? But what if  GOD is stuck in a humans body having 0% clue on who IT is it doesn't have a gender because if it does have a gender then this gender will make the superiority GOD has NO gender the words are twisted the book has been rewritten generations by generations full of changes and admiration but has anybody thought that what if GOD is stuck in a girl's body? They will think of it as an insane theory and unbelievable shit but its true isn't it? This girl is smart she doesn't know why or what is happening to her she could see the future in her dreams she could see people die she's smart even though she's not doing anything she's not listening but she can answer like she's the teacher she ain't learning she just watches it one time and then boom she can do it perfectly she didn't do anything bad but was torment by the people around her. Her family doesn't have time for her people disgust her she ain't coming back with the question why she's coming back with the question "Who am I?" She feels like dying her insides are fighting her mind goes somewhere in her dreams she wakes up in sweat like she has done the real thing questions by questions

She tried suicide pointing a gun on her head wishing for the painful reality to stop making her feel unwanted

She pulled the trigger it went black....

She woke up feeling dizzy like her head had a hole in it she touched it but felt nothing no blood just sweats her eyes were sore she can't see clearly her lips are quivering her mouth is dry her ears are deaf

Asking a question in mids air
"What happened?"
"Am I dead?"

She looked around the room seeing traces of gun powder it means she really did pull the trigger but why is there no blood? She looked at the floor seeing a hole with traces of gun powder if she was to lay down it really looked like its where the bullet would have went if it got through her but why is there no trace of it harming her body? Looking around she saw the gun cold yet the tip of it hot indicating that it just shooted a bullet a while back but why is there no trace of that phenomenon just a bullet and its shell but why didn't the target get harmed.... Why?.... Her questions remained her begged to stop the pain was still not granted her questioned remained her mind drifted  afar why isn't she dying? Why ain't she bleeding ? Why ain't she sleeping?

The world doesn't realize this what ifs a girl who suffered every pain in such a young age tried suicide a dozen of times but ain't dying she cries all night wishing the pain to stop she sees the world like its something to be amused of she sees humans with hatred and then she sees the animals with love why is that? She looks up above she sees the stars shine bright wishing for the pain to stop in the morning she looks at the sky with full admiration she says its beautiful but why those she wants her life to end?

Everybody thinks she's weird she's having problem socializing unlike before she copes herself in a year she changes for the better but sometimes for the worst she felt all the pain what's left to feel a first love that she never felt and will never that's what she thought 1 year felt like centuries for her she felt the hate yet chose to love in every event she chooses to watch she ain't listening just looking at the nature no one notices her presents except for the teachers they can see her talent she shows it to those who is worth it she gave people light yet nobody gave her the same thing she's there happy pill she pretends for them her smile gives them light and hope while the smile is genuine for them she herself thinks her own smile is fake she copes and copes until she's lost in the middle where is this going? I'm not the me I knew before am I fighting for something? Or is it just the light of the sky that wishes me good luck

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