All I can see is PAIN

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Mei's POV

Everything is so messed up here lately....Harumin barely sleeps thinking about matsuri and how she's been...We're now on top of the largest mountain in the world Mt. Everest....We've been here for about 21 days now lot of things has happened me recieving things... I recieved an eye from yuzu's cousin I think her name was liz...She said it'll lead me to her it wasn't of use to her.


They met on yuzu's mansion which yuzu's cousin liz asked mei to come alone its were they'll meet and  where they'll talk all of them agreed to this so that mei could find yuzu faster...

'Do you know where yuzu is?'Mei asked with a concerned look she was talking to yuzu's cousin alone...

'Nope, but I want you to have something it was passed down to our family's the ones with the okogi blood and its power is unbearable but of course if your not an okogi its power is limited and-'mei cut liz of before she continues..

'I don't give a f*ck...I just...want yuzu...back...'mei said liz sighed and looked at her straight on the eye.

'If you want her back then listen...Love isn't always about rainbows and sunshine if you want her back then earn it you can't go to where she is because only her can let you in only power yuzu might have distributed an amount of her power to those two thats wh they can enter that realm without alerting the guards if you go there without power you'll die I'm giving you an eye of an okogi yuzu has one eye and its stronger than this one but it'll help you, you'll have power but it comes with pain thats what yuzu sees and feel when she has this now you'll feel it too the pain, the hate, the destruction... learn to control it and you will cause all you want is her now... not caring about anyone else.... But her, you still have the chance to control this so please take this it your only hope my cousin....she's been... waiting for you...'Liz said with  determination in her voice and eyes... Mei stood there silent for a while processing all of what she said..

'Why?....Why would you give it to me!? its power its for you! your an okogi! you'll definetly use it someday! somehow! why!?! why would you-'mei was cut off by liz slapping her.

'power?! what's power if the person you cared the most will die! yuzu can't keep time frozen for you! she'll go insane! I'm not a pure okogi! power!? what do you think it does to you!? the more power you have the more you lose your sanity!! the more you loose everyone you love! power isn't what I desire! I don't need power! I don't need money! I need....Family...'Liz said while tears were falling down her face so does mei liz's voice began to crack.
'I don't understand what people see in glory.... you'll die anyways so what's the point? why do you need money if you can share? all of us does hard works why do you need to pay if everybody has the same work as you? everybody works hard do things the hard way..... what makes you different from the normal? what makes you special?....NOTHING makes you special but your FAMILY.... some are lucky to have a complete family some are not and some are complete maniacs the way your family grows is the way you'll grow... the way they treat you, the way they love and care for you that's what makes you different that's what makes you lucky....they are the one that makes you special.... And for yuzu's case loosing her family drove her nuts she was part of the lucky that became unlucky her father was the sole purpose of her being back then her mother made her happy but her father made her dream the stars... your lucky to have a father that still cares for you and yuzu's mother that loves you too you were the center of attraction of that family which made yuzu have nobody then she fell for you... And you became her purpose...But you left her...Corrupted...broken into a million pieces.. Trust issues, Long distance Relationships and other priorities except for school are what breaks a relation ship... not the person being tired....Its the person loosing trust at the same time love....Aihara-san...Accept it..please...For...Yuzu'liz said with her eyes and voice filled with emotion.

'I-I....-'mei was trying to find the right words to say but the only words that came out of her mouth was...

'I...accept..'mei said but really it was almost a whisper gladly liz heard it.

'look at me straight in the eye and I'll give you the power of an okogi'liz said mei did as told and looked at liz's eyes at it shined and turned into black red same as yuzu's right then mei's eyes glowed as well then the wind became wild the weather became strange and then liz......Kissed mei.

'mmpphh!!'mei's eyes widened and tried to pull away but liz grabbed her hair and pulled her close not breaking the kiss mei was so shock that she tried to harm liz but shadows held her close....Liz then broke the kiss and let mei breath..

'You slut!' mei exclaimed as she was taking in large amount of air

'Words'liz said in an annoying tone which made mei pissed off.. the shadows disappeared as mei clenched her stomach it was aching then her left eye glowed she covered her face as she screamed in pain..

'Aaaaahhhh!!!' mei screamed as the pain was too much mei then stopped feeling and kneeled infront of liz she uncovered her face.

'so this is what yuzu feels but much worst huh? HAHAHA! pathetic I'm so pathetic! I couldn't even lessen her pain I'm hopeless..'Mei said with insane voice while her left eye was black red... She was laughing insanely until liz slapped her hard.

'learn to control it' liz said which made mei snap out of it.

'right, I'm sorry'mei said as she stood up. Liz and mei's eyes turned back to normal, liz was gonna turn around and leave but mei stopped her.

'I have a question' mei asked liz nodded.

'Split it' liz said..Mei tooked a deep breath and asked.

'I thought you were british?'mei asked raising an eyebrow.

'I am'liz said... Mei wasn't satisfied with her answer and asked her another one.

'Then why don't you speak like one?'mei asked liz giggled a bit.

'These eyes give you more than also gives you knowledge' liz said mei nodded and let liz turn her back on her... her laat words were...

'Goodbye Aihara-san enjoy your life as one of the chosen...'Liz said mei was about to run after her and ask her what she meant but her vission got blury and she passed out..

*End of flashback*

Mei groaned as she remembered that her knowledge was getting stronger and she was almost at the point were she knows where yuzu is....

..Just a little more knowledge..
....Knowledge is power....
....just a little more....
The more knowledge I have the more pain I see what an unfair reality but for you I'll do everything.....

...I'll be there soon...

Mei thought as she looked at the sky.....

.....Soon my love.....

So yeah its me again hope you like it sorry for the long time no update stuff I was really broken.

But guys of who ever is broken there learn to let go for your ex lover's sake.

I'm not letting her go because I want to but because I have to, I can't keep messing with her life. I gotta know when to stop so do you. I know its hard, I know it hurts but who are we to judge? we are just the past for them now...

But for me I'll stay by her side because of a promise we made and because I love her still all I'm just saying is fight if you must but if she/he is no were to be then let go cause he/she is unworthy.....

By:Kurushiro Naejunse

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