Announcement 2

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Guys I'll update a lot slower I'm going through a heart break that surely broke my empty heart a bit more and I know its stupid to tell you this but I just got rejected  and played I think she has someone else I feel like a tiger who fell for a trap😭😭
I cry everyday so I'm really tired my story will have a meaning now I'll continue writing for you guys and for my broken reality fuck life atleast yuzu was loved at some point but me I was played!! I don't believe in anyone's words anymore cause everybody lies.

This is my regret in life

oh and me and my girlfriend are doing good I think I don't really know she has a lot of secrets and our topic is always about my "crush" it hurts me to hear her name even see her in class her smile is so captivating her eyes are so toxic and her being smaller than me a little is cute all of that features that made me fell for her is now the one breaking my heart I feel my heart aching when I'm around her. She smiles different when she talks to me or see me and her eyes look at me as if I'm that special to her but guess I wasn't life's a bitch. Now I keep studying to forget her and making her jealous if she ever was. I can't stay away from her she always finds a way to talk to me or make me smile but all of that must be fake it hurts it hurts so bad I'm literally crying while typing this.

I'll do another story its about my life and its yuri of course it is by the way guys I'm going to ask you 3 questions like my twinzie but this is all for fun and its a game Its called The Author info .Its about how much information you know about me I have given clues and whoever answers correctly I'll be sure to reward you with one chapter of what you want or a story with more love or lust even pain ok...

1.)Is my gender a boy or a girl?

2.)Based on my story what do you see about it ?

3.)Am I worthy of being loved Why? why not?

Ok thats all for today I really didn't think this through I just write what I want I guess....

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